Page 15 - Plastics News September 2016
P. 15


in future. Mr. Arvind Mehta advised Mr. Deepak Ballani to     join for lunch in Hotel Novotel.
write a letter to the Urban Development Ministry and take
permission to print Swachh Bharat logo on our products        The lunch menu arranged by Mr. Haren Sanghvi - Vice
and to emphasize on the ministry that plastics associations   President West was delightful and people enjoyed the
are concerned about environment and are alert to save         same.
the environment. Mr. Surendra Choudhary expressed his
concern that unless we meet the Prime Minister - Mr.          Simultaneously, Chairman – Mr. Kailash Murarka along with
Narendra Modi to emphasize on the bene?ts of plastics         Co-Chairman & immediate Past President – Mr. Rituraj
and the initiatives being taken by all associations to save   Gupta and his team conducted press conference in Novotel
the environment, he is afraid in coming time plastic carry-   Hotel which was attended by high numbers of present
bags can be completely banned.                                media. Mr. Kailash Murarka also released a quarter page
                                                              add in the local news due to which he got high number of
Mr. Arvind Mehta also requested all the associations to       space booking in our newly inaugurated of?ce.
assign atleast one senior person to attend to queries of the
ministry, the replies of which is expected by the ministry    NEC Meeting of Plastivision India
in very short time.                                           2017 conducted in the Crystal
                                                              Ball Room in the Novotel Hotel.
Mr. K.K. Seksaria, who summarized all the discussions
said that AIPMA, GSPMA, IPI, IPF and local associations of    The Managing Committee
Gujarat should put their ?ngers together to make a ?st        Meeting attended by 53 numbers
to attend to all the matters related to plastic industry      of members was the last event
collectively and strongly. He congratulated AIPMA for this    which took place in the Crystal
great action of Plast India Foundation. He also emphasized    Ball Room of Novotel Hotel after
that no association is big or small because collectively we   which all the members departed for Mumbai.
stand to make ourselves strong. He gave a small story
of young boy holding a Rasgulla only when he puts all
his 5 ?ngers together. Similarly we all have to put our

associations together to ?ght to save the industry.

Mr. Naresh Patel of GSPMA emphasized that Gujarat is
a plastic hub and he is glad that brothers of AIPMA have
come together to make industry strong.

Mr. Kailash Murarka concluded this meeting and said that
this is “MAHA-MILAN” of Gujarat and Maharashtra. He
congratulated for opening the of?ce in Ahmedabad.

President thanked all members present and requested to

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