Page 19 - Plastics News September 2016
P. 19


                  Utkarsh Committee

                                                                                  Mr. Samarth Sheth
                                                              Co-Chairman – Utkarsh Committee

Itruly thank the Kayakalp initiative that brought Utkarsh           of our activities and is an invitation for more
  into existence on March 3, 2016 at Waterstone, Andheri            participation.
East. Through the guidance of our mentors and well
wishers Mr. Sanju Desai, Sr. VP-AIPMA, Er. RK Agarwal,        II. Industrial Visits

President & Chairman-Utkarsh, Mr. Haren Sanghavi, VP                Our learning process as entrepreneurs is
West and Mr. Jagat Killawala, VP Finance; Mr. Kailash               continuous and we learn best through experiences
Murarka, Chairman PVI, our learning curve so far has                or actually being present at the time of the
been a steep one! Amongst the various activities we have            process being conducted. Industrial Visits to
already involved ourselves, following are a few I would             Automobile manufacturers, FMCG companies and
like to highlight:                                                  most importantly peer-peer group visits has been
• Newsletters                                                       planned; this initiative will start in September
• Industrial visits                                                 with a visit to Mercedes Benz plant in Pune. This
• Tying up with NGOs and Citizen Groups                             visit will soon be followed by a visit to some of
• Promoting Plastivision via Social Media and ideation              our members’ plants in Daman.

      for creative content                                    III. Tying up with NGOs and Citizen Groups
      I. Newsletters
                                                                    One of the initiatives of the Environmental
            While newsletters were a monthly affair, giving         Committee is to tie up with as many NGOs and
            the youth club 2 pages in the magazine and the          Citizens groups as possible and see how AIPMA can
            online version, we were able to put articles            be instrumental in solving day to day problems
            pertaining to the HR challenges, innovations
            we have come across within our SME sector                                    faced by these groups. Akhilesh
            companies and reports on our visits to the NGOs                              has a dream to be able to touch
            and citizens club, for 2 issues of the 4 we have                             a million lives by the good work
            been in existence since. Our efforts are on                                  the Environmental committee
            to make a difference in conjunction with the                                 is doing and will continue to do;
            Environment Committee under the Chairmanship                                 the Utkarsh team’s endevour is
            of Mr. Akhilesh Bhargava and Mr. Haren Sanghavi.                             to be instrumental in achieving
            The newsletters in effect will be a face of the                              this goal! Following are a few
            team which will communicate to our members                                   Organisations/ Citizen Groups
                                                                                         we have come in touch with:

                                                                    • FORCE - Forum of Recyclers Community and

                                                                        FORCE has a collection and segregation
                                                                        centre in Bandra West where it collects
                                                                        upto 1 MT of plastic bottles and upto 500

                                                                                        kilos of plastic related scrap
                                                                                        (Tetrapak, laminated wrappers,
                                                                                        etc), they also receive upto 1 MT
                                                                                        of Dry waste. BMC has provided
                                                                                        them with 3 tempos to collect
                                                                                        plastic waste thus generated from
                                                                                        Bandra and its vicinity, in addition

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