Page 16 - Plastics News September 2016
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AIPMA 'Founders’ Day' Celebrated
AIPMA celebrated its Founders’ Day Function on 27th of Ahmedabad City; purchase of around 2250 Sq. metres of
August 2016 at Bhaidas Hall, Vile Parle West, Mumbai. land at Gurgaon for setting up Skill Development centre
To grace the occasion, we had invited all AIPMA Members, etc., ISO 9001:2008 Certi?cation, BMO accreditation by
Stalwarts and Captains of Plastic Industry. NABET, authorisation by Government of India for issuing
The Function started at 6.00pm with the registrations of Certi?cate of Origin to exporters, initiative taken by AIPMA
all invitees at the Reception of Bhaidas Hall which was for developing and promoting new ‘Plastics & Polymers
followed by delicious food at 8.00pm Park’ across the Country some of which are Uttar Pradesh
for Auraiya Plastic City Project, Haryana, Chattisgarh
Shri Sanju Desai – Senior Vice President was the Master of (Raipur) and West Bengal. He also appraised members
Ceremony for the opening session. He requested Shri R.K. about the AIPMA Job Fairs arranged at various cities
Aggarwal - President, Shri Jagat Killawala - Vice President across India under the leadership of Mr. Kishore Sampat
Finance, Shri Arvind Mehta - Chairman AIPMA Governing and AIPMA’s digitalized online monthly magazine-‘Plastics
Council, Shri Rituraj Gupta - Chairman AIPMA Founder’s News’. He also appraised members about forthcoming
Day Programme, Shri Haren Sanghavi - Vice President West, projects of AIPMA i.e. Plastivision India 2017 (PVI),
Shri Meela Jayadev - Vice President South, Shri Ashok Plastivision Arabia PVA 2017 and PVI 2019.
Aggarwal - Vice President East, Shri Kailash Murarka -
Chairman PVI-2017 and Shri Raju Desai - Chairman Advisory Shri R.K. Aggarwal ?nished his address saying, “I hope you
Board PVI2017 to take their place on the dias. will support us whole heartedly. Let’s Say Yes to Plastics....
Then Shri Sanju Desai invited President – Shri R.K. Aggarwal
to give his presidential address and appraise the members Shri Sanju Desai on behalf of AIPMA thanked Shri Arvind
on AIPMA Credentials. Shri R.K. Aggarwal, during his Mehta - Chairman Governing Council, Shri Rituraj Gupta
address appraised members about the various goals - Chairman AIPMA Founders’ Day committee, Shri Haren
achieved by AIPMA during the year i.e. implementation Sanghavi - Vice President West, Shri Meela Jayadev - Vice
of Kayakalp, recently launched West Zone Office at President South, Shri L. K. Singh - Vice President North,
Shri Ashok Aggarwal - Vice President East for their valuable
contributions. He gave a special thanks to Shri Jagat
Killawala - Vice President Finance for ?nalizing the venue,
reserving Shri Annu Kapoor from his packed dates, dinner,
all logistics and ensuring ?awless and most entertaining
evening for all of us.
Shri R.K. Aggarwal - from M/s. Payag PolyTech Pvt Ltd.;
Shri Makrand Dixit from M/s. ONGC Petro Additions Ltd
(OPAL); Shri Meela Jayadev from M/s. Sudhakar Irrigations
Systems Pvt Ltd. were felicitated for extending their
support as Gold Sponsor. Shri Jagat Killawala from
M/s. Shri Krishnashray (I) Pvt. Ltd., Shri Arvind Mehta
from M/s. Welset Plast Extrusions Pvt. Ltd., Dr. Babu
Padmanabham from M/s. Steer Engineering Private Ltd.,
Shri Rajoraji from M/s. HPCL - Mittal Energy Ltd (HMEL),
Shri. Nandkumar T. from M/s. Wittmann Battenfeld India
Pvt. Ltd., Shri Jogindra Singh Mudarh from M/s. Jogindra
Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd. and Shri P. K. Gupta from
GAIL (India) Ltd. were also felicitated for extending their
support to this event as Silver Sponsors.
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