Page 45 - Plastics News September 2018
P. 45
The government has brought multi-layered, tetra packs Management Rules and credit 25 paise per sachet or packet
and e-commerce packaging under the ambit of law for introduced or sold by them in Maharashtra. This fund shall
collection and recycling of plastic used for packaging. be strictly used for implementation of approved EPR plan
What is the status? and quarterly reports submitted to the MPCB. Similar
directions have also been issued by the MPCB to PET bottle
Rules 2018, it is the primary responsibility of producers, manufacturers to create a separate fund and credit 15
importers and brand owners, who introduce the product paise per bottle. The purpose is, sound management of
in the market, to collect used multi-layered plastic and used packaging.
sachets. They need to establish a system for collecting During the meeting with the multi-layered packaging
back plastic waste generated due to their products. The brand owners, they were asked to develop a collection
MPCB has conducted two meetings with multi-layered module to collect used plastic sachets/pouches
packaging manufacturers/brand owners and associations in generated from households.
order to review implementation of the Extended Producers The government had talked about carrying out extensive
Responsibility (EPR). During the meeting, it was noticed awareness campaigns across the state.The government
WKDW DGHTXDWH PDQDJHULDO DQG ÀQDQFLDO UHVRXUFHV KDYH has initiated awareness campaigns and instructions have
not been earmarked by the producers/brand owners/ been given to all enforcement authorities, especially local
importers for waste management. So, the MPCB chairman bodies, to give wide publicity through hoardings, slogans
has issued directions under Section 5 of the Environment DERXW WKH QRWLÀFDWLRQ DQG LQLWLDWH DZDUHQHVV SURJUDPPHV
(Protection) Act 1986 to the multi-layered packaging brand in their cities. The government has spent Rs 3.27 crore to
owners, who have been directed to create a separate SXEOLFLVH WKH QRWLÀFDWLRQ
Courtesy: The Indian Express
45 September 2018 Plastics News