Page 26 - Plastics News September 2019
P. 26

‡   Laminating adhesives cover the full range of laminating   recyclable mono-material PET trays. Bostik’s Vitel®
             applications with solvent and solvent-free products to   heat seal come with built-in anti-fog functionality,
             PHHW DQ\ ÁH[LEOH SDFNDJLQJ QHHGV  IURP VQDFN DQG       avoiding the need for a dedicated additional lacquer.
             confectionary packaging, beverage packaging, to    ‡   Cold seal adhesives are uniquely designed to improve
             personal care, household and retort packing.           SURGXFW·V SHUIRUPDQFH  RSHUDWLRQDO HIÀFLHQFLHV DQG
         ‡   Reseal adhesives eliminate the need for secondary      aesthetics, especially for confectionary (chocolate),
             packaging (such as zippers) while preserving food      bakery, nutrition bars and other special packaging. As
             freshness, improving your product performance and      pioneers in cold seal technology with our Turbo-Seal®
             RSHUDWLRQDO HIÀFLHQFLHV  7KH\ SURYLGH D OHVV ZDVWHIXO    platform, Bostik has been a leading cold seal supplier
             more environmentally friendly and easier to use        for more than 35 years.
             alternative to conventional non-resealable containers.  PackPlus India is happening from today (28 August) until
         ‡   Vitel® heat seal solutions enable lidding films    31 August 2019, at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India.
             with peelable seal to be placed directly over      Bostik’s booth is located at Exhibition Hall 11-213.

          Priority Plastics Expands Capacity for UN-Rated Tight Head


          3ULRULW\ 3ODVWLFV KDV LQYHVWHG RYHU ÀYH PLOOLRQ GROODUV LQ   ‡      PP   73,     PP   73,  7(      73,
          equipment, molds, training and technology for a new high   ‡   1R YHQW     PP RSHQ DQG FORVHG
          speed tight head machine in its Portland, Indiana facility.   ‡   0RVW FRQWDLQHUV DUH 81 '27 DSSURYHG IRU < DQG =
          The new machine, internally called “The CYCLONE”
          supports the rapid growth that Priority has experienced      regulations without the use of an outer pack carton.
                                         in the UN-rated tight   7KH 3ULRULW\3RXU (FR DQG /LJKW :HLJKW FRQWDLQHUV GHOLYHU
                                         head pail market.      a multi-layer, sustainable product with the same integrity
                                         In addition to high    and durability as our standard containers. Multi-layer
                                         speed quality, the     technology uses closed-loop or post-consumer regrind
                                         new technology         while the light weight option is 1,000 grams using up to
                                         includes automated     20% less virgin plastic resin. These sustainable options help
                                         processing, multi-     Priority Plastics achieve our continuous-improvement goal
                                         layer manufacturing    to reduce our overall environmental impact.
                                         capabilities and high   In addition, Priority Plastics has fully equipped, and audited
                                         tech mold design       in-house testing facilities, to ensure the quality of our
          allowing strength improvement in bottle manufacturing.   FRQWDLQHUV  3ULRULW\ 3ODVWLFV FHUWLÀHV WKDW RXU 81 PDUNHG
          The mold design supports light weighting and other eco-  tight head containers meet or exceed all of the testing
          friendly product improvements as part of Priority Plastics   and manufacturing regulations and standards set by the
          commitment to develop sustainable plastic containers.   86 'HSDUWPHQW RI 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ  DQG VSHFLÀFDOO\ E\ WKH
          PriorityPour tight head containers are built for the   Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
          responsibility they carry and now offer more capacity in   Secure and safe, they are the preferred packaging solution
          less time. The high speed, four cavity shuttle technology   IRU D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI DSSOLFDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ IRRG DQG ÁDYRU
          gives us the opportunity to offset freight and be even   concentrates, janitorial sanitation and specialty chemicals
          more cost competitive.                                including agricultural and Lawn and Garden.
          Our offering includes:                                Priority Plastics, Inc. provides complete plastic container
                                                                packaging solutions for startup companies to multinational
                                                                ÀUPV   :LWK  IRXU  PDQXIDFWXULQJ  IDFLOLWLHV  VWUDWHJLFDOO\
          ‡   :KLWH   QDWXUDO VWRFN
                                                                positioned throughout the United States, Priority Plastics
          ‡     JDO DQG   /                                     offers design and engineering services, technical sales
          ‡   5HFWDQJOH                                         support, operational excellence and plant specific
          ‡   ,QWHJUDWHG KDQGOH                                 customer service representatives.

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          Plastics News S e p tember  2019
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