Page 29 - Plastics News September 2019
P. 29


                                                                is that by banning plastic bags and swapping them for
                                                                paper or cotton bags, we will be doing more damage to
                                                                the environment and exacerbating climate change. Think
                                                                of the trees that must be cut, the water and energy that
                                                                must be used to make these alternatives.

                                                                How can one push for recycling and better dry waste
                                                                PDQDJHPHQW  LI  VHJUHJDWLRQ  LV  QRW  GRQH  ULJKW"  6ZDFKK
                                                                Bharat Mission 2.0 is not pushing much for segregation.
                                                                Imposing a ban is not the whole solution. However, if
                                                                cities segregate waste into three fractions – wet, dry, and
                                                                domestic hazardous waste -- and then the dry fraction is
          are remunerative for rag pickers as they are in demand   further sorted, and if municipalities create infrastructure
          at recycling facilities.                              in terms of material recovery facilities or sorting stations,
                                                                dry waste can be sorted into over 70-80 fractions. This then
          this has also brought plastics into the national spotlight.   has value and a market and would not end up as litter.
                                                                +RZHYHU  WKLV KDV KDG RQO\ PDUJLQDO VXFFHVV  :H QHHG WR
          or bad are going on, it is important to know the extent of   source segregate end to end. Also, recycling as a silver
          WKH SUREOHP LQ WKH ÀUVW SODFH  $V SHU D      DVVHVVPHQW   bullet solution will not work unless there are technological
          by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), 6.92% of   interventions to make it sustainable.
          RI SODVWLF ZDVWH  :LWK H[WUDSRODWLRQ RI WKH SODVWLF ZDVWH   A bigger debate over the SUP ban issue is on the fact that
          generation data from 60 major cities, this study estimates.
                                                                more than a million workers will lose jobs. As per a 2018
          :KDW IUDFWLRQ RI RXU SODVWLF ZDVWH LV VLQJOH XVH SODVWLFV"   estimate, there are over 3,500-plus organized recycling
          :KDW  SDUW  RI  WKLV  IUDFWLRQ  LV  SDFNDJLQJ  ZDVWH   FXWOHU\   units and over 4,000 unorganized units. Approximately, six
          LWHPV  FDUU\ EDJV  3(7 ERWWOHV  HWF" 7KHVH DUH VRPH RI WKH   lakh workers are directly employed and another 10 lakh
          numbers we need in order to assess the scale of such waste   are informal workers. This is a critical number, and there
          as well as look  for clear alternatives for such plastics.   needs to be a clear roadmap on how these workers would
          There needs to be an initiative at the level of the states   be transitioned to any other industry. Also, a phased ban
          to push cities to make inventories of their dry waste,   on items could be explored.  Depending on the terms of
          considering that the composition of our waste has changed   the ban, a large part of existing investments, machinery,
          drastically with more plastics in the last several years.   business processes and jobs in the plastics industry will
          Only then can we identify which are the most problematic   EH GHVWUR\HG  %XVLQHVVHV ZLOO ÀQG WKHPVHOYHV VWXFN ZLWK
          SUPs and assess the extent of their impact before imposing   proscribed equipment and will have to incur additional
          bans. Such a study has not been done so far.          costs to replace old machinery. Big companies might be
                                                                able to afford the additional capital required, but small
          After Bengaluru banned plastic bags a couple of years
          ago, grocery stores have started offering light cotton bags   DQG PHGLXP HQWHUSULVHV ZLOO ÀQG LW D ORW PRUH GLIÀFXOW
          that are priced at Rs 10 or more. To achieve the same   This, at a time when there is an overall credit crunch in
          environmental impact as the plastic bag, though, a cotton   the economy.
          bag would have to be used 7,100 times. If you are hyper   Alternative
          woke and prefer organic cotton bags, you would have to
          use it 20,000 times to match the ecological footprint of   Presently, some items do have alternatives. For instance,
          the ‘evil’ plastic bag.                               straws, we can easily do away with the straw culture.
                                                                According to the industry body FICCI, 42% of plastic waste
          :KLOH WKH WUDGLWLRQDO ,QGLDQ VHQVLELOLW\ OHDGV XV WR UHXVH   is multi-layered packaging. However, systems to segregate
          bags, one cannot think how anyone can reuse a paper bag   and collect multi-layered packaging can be channelized
             WLPHV  RU D FRWWRQ EDJ       WLPHV  :KDW WKLV PHDQV   for co-processing, making laminates or making roads and

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