Page 55 - Plastics News September 2019
P. 55


          Amcor produces PET bottles for                         Ball to replace plastic cups with
          pasteurized beer in Brazil                             aluminium version

             PFRU KDV FUHDWHG WKH ÀUVW 3(7 ERWWOHV IRU SDVWHXUL]HG   ustainable packaging supplier Ball is set to introduce
          Abeer in Brazil for New Age’s Salzburg craft beer brand.  Snew recyclable aluminium cups as an alternative
          The global supplier designed custom 600-milliliter containers   to plastic under a pilot programme in the US. As part
          for São Paulo–based beverage maker New Age Bebidas that   RI WKH SLORW LQ       WKH PHWDO SDFNDJLQJ ÀUP ZLOO UROO
          combine a glass-like look and champagne-style base with   out a limited supply of aluminium cups that will be
          the convenience of lightweight and shatter-resistant PET.   available at select locations such as entertainment
          The PET design also features a crown metal cap that    venues and major concessionaires.Using the new
          replicates the standard glass bottle. The PET containers are   aluminium cups, customers can replace plastic cups at
          capping process and withstand the internal pressure and
          high-heat conditions of the tunnel pasteurization process.
          Amcor uses an oxygen scavenger barrier additive to prevent
          oxygen ingress and egress, providing up to four months of
          shelf-life. The bottle is compatible with existing recycling
          streams and is 100 percent recyclable. The lightweight
          energy and CO2 emission reductions along the supply
          chain, the supplier notes. “As the craft beer market
          grows, we are partnering with brewers to achieve
          attractive designs and cost savings with PET bottles,
          while also meeting shelf-life requirements,” comments
          Felipe Salles, Business Development Director for Amcor in   home and in other areas, including indoor and outdoor
          Brazil.“PET bottles offer design advantages over glass as   venues across the country. According to the company,
          they are lighter weight, more easily and safely portable   the sturdy and durable aluminium cup is available in a
                                            and unbreakable,     20oz size. Consumers can customise the cups by adding
                                            while providing the   logos and graphics of their choice. Ball chairman,
                                            required barrier     SUHVLGHQW DQG FKLHI H[HFXWLYH RIÀFHU -RKQ +D\HV VDLG
                                            protection,” adds    “As our customers and consumers increasingly seek
                                            Rodolfo Salles,      sustainable beverage packaging options, the launch
                                            Re search and
                                            Development          RI WKH DOXPLQLXP FXS LV D VLJQLÀFDQW PRPHQW IRU RXU
                                                                 company. “It is our responsibility as the leader in
                                            Manager for          aluminium beverage packaging to continuously innovate
                                            Amcor in
                                            Brazil.“Innovation   DQG SURYLGH VROXWLRQV IRU RXU FXVWRPHUV  :H·UH H[FLWHG
                                                                 to bring the aluminium cup to market and expand the
                                            and differentiation
                                            are the names of     product line next year and beyond.” Ball will also
                                            the game in the      encourage other companies to replace their plastic cups
                                            craft beer market    with the newly launched aluminium cups. Depending
          in Brazil,” says Fabio Violin, President of New Age Bebidas.   on the market demand, Ball is planning to expand the
          ´7KH  ÁH[LELOLW\  RI  3(7  SDFNDJLQJ  DOORZV  XV  WR  GHYHORS   aluminium cup portfolio by adding more additional
          a unique replacement for glass that will deliver broad   VL]HV LQ WKH IXWXUH  7KH SDFNDJLQJ ÀUP DOVR H[SHFWV
          consumer appeal throughout Latin America.” Amcor is a   WR LQFUHDVH SURGXFWLRQ DW LWV :HVWPLQVWHU  &RORUDGR
          global leader in developing and producing high-quality,   facility by the end of 2020. Ball seeks to expand the
          responsible packaging for a variety of food, beverage,   adoption of the aluminium cups to restaurants, bars,
          pharmaceutical, medical-device,and alike.              convenience stores, breweries and retail locations.

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