Page 16 - Plastics News September 2022
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AIPMA’s AMTEC Delegation to Pune Colleges
On 26th Aug, 22, Our President, AIPMA Mr. Kishore Sampat, Mr. Jayesh Rambhia, Past President AIPMA & Co-
Chairman AIPMA’s AMTEC along with Ms. AMEYA Jadhav- Centre head, AIPMA’s AMTEC visited Dr. Vishwanath D.
Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune School of Polymer Engineering for One-day symposium on “Future of Polymer
Mr. Kishore Sampat, President, AIPMA was invited to inaugurate the “Steer Alpha18 Twin Screw Compounder” in Polymer
Processing Laboratory in the polymer department, along with him, Dr. Babu Padmanabham, Managing Director, Steer,
Bengaluru was also invited for the inauguration. Mr. Kishore Sampat- President AIPMA gave a brief introduction about
AIPMA’s AMTEC, which garnered a lot of interest not just with the students but also with the faculty present.
After leaving from MIT Pune the team visited PVG’ college of Engineering, Printing Department, where they were invited
for the inaugural function of Circle of Printing Engineers (Student’s Association). All the state level winner and national level
competition winners in various competitions were felicitated by AIPMA President. While coming to end of the ceremony
Mr. Jayesh Rambhia shared his views on how plastic is an irreplaceable material. He further stated that usage of plastic would
rise between 25-30% by 2030.
Mr. Kishore Sampat offered his views on "Opportunities & Career Growth in Indian Plastic Industry” and various
opportunities related to packaging industry. He further shared his experience about AMTEC and various courses offered
by them that act as brownie points in students CV. After the formal ceremony, the floor was open to students to ask their
doubts or any questions they had for the guests. One of the question was, how various schemes to minimize plastic usage
are beneficial for our environment? Students were satisfied with all the answers given. An official vote of thanks was given by
Prof. Padmaja Joshi and the day ended at 4pm with enlightened students.
16 PLASTICS NEWS September 2022 17 PLASTICS NEWS September 2022