Page 34 - Plastics News September 2022
P. 34

Röchling Expands Portfolio With Sustainable Vacuum                        Borealis And Trexel Foam

          Forming Materials For Railway Technology Applications                     Development Partnership

                                             its portfolio of high-quality plastics for
                                             railway technology applications. Both
                                             Maywoflamm® plus RC and Maywo-
                                             flamm® NFPA RC can be produced with
                                             up to 70 percent recycled materials. May-
                                             woflamm® plus RC complies with the
                                             European railway standard EN 45545-
                                             2:2020, classification R6/ HL2; May-
                                             woflamm® NFPA RC is tested according
                                             to NFPA 130 and BSS7239:1988 and
                                             can therefore be used in the American
                                             region. Both materials are characterized   orealis has partnered with Trex-
                                             by their low weight compared to metal-
            nternational plastics processor Röch-                                 Bel, an expert in foaming injec-
         Iling Industrial SE & Co. KG is ex-  lic materials and their high mechanical   tion and blow moulded parts, to
         panding its portfolio of flame-retardant   strength.                     co-develop a plastics bottle based
         materials for use in railway technology  A partner dedicated to the achievement   on Bornewables polyolefins, which
         applications with the two sustainable  of sustainability goals           are made using renewable feedstocks
         products, Maywoflamm® plus RC and   “We have defined sustainability as one   derived from waste and  residue
         Maywoflamm® NFPA RC. Both prod-     of the most important strategic areas   streams.
         ucts  can  be  manufactured  using  up  to   for the future,” explains Franz Lübbers,   The lightweight bottle – which will
         70 percent recycled material, making it   CEO of Röchling Industrial. "It is im-  be showcased at the Borealis stand
         possible to increase sustainability in cus-  portant to us to take responsibility and   at K 2022 – is reusable and fully re-
         tomer applications.                 contribute to a sustainable future. Of   cyclable. The Bornewables grades –

         Materials used in railway technology  course, we have focused on the needs of   which are commercially available in
         applications must meet stringent re- our customers." The high recycled con-  Europe – are said to help conserve
         quirements. Fire protection plays an  tent helps customers achieve their sus-  natural resources because they are
         important role in ensuring the safety of  tainability goals. The use of high-quality   derived solely from waste and resi-
         passengers.                         recycled material conserves resources   due streams, for example from used
         Röchling Industrial offers various mate-  and closes loops.              cooking oil. Reusing waste already
                                                                                  in circulation instead of fossil fuel-
         rials made of thermoplastic and compos- “With the launch, we are offering our   based feedstocks enhances the sus-
         ites that meet such requirements. These  railway sector customers sustainable   tainability of applications made us-
         include Maywoflamm® brand products,  products that meet the relevant require-  ing the Bornewables grades.
         which are used in rail vehicle interior fit- ments for use in railway technology ap-  The companies claim that convert-
         tings, for instance in interior trim or the  plications,” says Simon Kathmann, Head   ers consume less energy in the pro-
         manufacture of rear seat shells.    of Sales and Marketing at Röchling In-  duction process when using MuCell

         Sustainable products meet fire safety   dustrial Allgäu. "We are very excited to   technology. The bottle thus helps
         standards                           now bring these sustainable alternatives   close the loop on plastics circularity
                                             to the market". They will be presented
         The plastics processor based in Bad   at InnoTrans from 20–23 September in   by way of design for recycling, the
         Grönenbach in the Allgäu region is now   Hall 1.1, Stand 260.            use of renewable feedstocks, and ma-
         adding two new sustainable products to                                   terial performance across multiple
                                                                                  life cycles.

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