Page 37 - Plastics News September 2022
P. 37


         OQ Polymer Lab Meets Global Testing Standards                               Uk Firm Brings Ai To

                                                                                      Recyclables Trading

                                                                                      rueCircle has launched an on-
                                                                                  Tline platform for recyclables
                                                                                  trading that it claims streamlines
                                                                                  the end-to-end trading process, a
                                                                                  process that today is performed
                                                                                  completely  offline  and  is  both  la-
                                                                                  bour and time intensive.
             ocusing on testing and calibra-    Univation PEG 504: Evaluation of   The trading platform – called
          Ftion laboratories, ISO 17025          PE resin purity                  TrueCircle Trade – offers a series of
          enables organisations to demonstrate   Gilles Rochas, Managing Director – OQ   features tailored to the needs of the
          and certify that they can competently   Polymer Marketing, commented: “This   waste industry including computer
          operate testing systems and gener-  reassures customers of the reliability of   vision quality data, real-time auc-
          ate valid results, thereby promoting   OQ’s quality control. ISO 17025 was   tion functionality, automated docu-
          confidence  in  their  products  both   developed by laboratory experts from   mentation checks, as well as embed-
          nationally  and  around  the  world.  all over the world together with key in-  ded financing and transportation.
          Furthermore, the certification ena- dustry bodies such as the International   “Recycling  facilities  across  Europe
          bles cooperation between laborato- Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation.   have  for  decades  been  held  back
          ries and other  entities by generat- By adhering to these globally recognised   by offline and manual trading pro-
          ing  alignment  and  more  efficient  standards, our customers can be confi-  cesses,  which  have  led  to  foregone
          acceptance of results across the globe. dent in our existing product quality as   revenue and excessively high admin
                                                                                  costs,” said Rishi Stocker, chief ex-
          For OQ, this certification represents   well as the research that underpins our   ecutive of UK-based  TrueCircle.
          an important milestone. As the com-  product development.”              “TrueCircle Trade  dramatically
          pany continues to grow, being cer- Khalid Al Asmi, Vice President – OQ   transforms  that  material  trading
          tified to these globally recognised  Downstream  Technical Services, com-  process and brings it into the 21st
          standards will help to unlock com- mented: “We take ISO certifications   century. Lack of trust in material
          mercial opportunities in the future. incredibly seriously, and spent three   quality has always stood in the way
          Specifically, OQ achieved accreditation   years putting in tremendous effort and   of new trading relationships. We’re
          across seven main parameters, covering   resources to secure ISO 17025 for our   delighted to be solving that prob-
          key processes measuring properties relat-  Polymer Lab. Our two refinery labs,   lem by putting our  TrueCircle AI
                                                                                  powered quality data at the heart of
          ing to PP and PE, such as polymer oxidi-  MAF and Sohar, also have this accredi-  transactions.”
          sation, film quality, and identification of   tation.
          contaminants. The seven parameters are: “On top of this, OQ has key ISO certifi-  TrueCircle  Trade has 150 verified
                                                                                  buyers and sellers on board, with an
             ASTM D1238: Melt flow rate     cations in quality management, environ-  annual purchasing capacity of 7.9
                                             mental management and occupational
            ASTM D1895: Density measure-    health and safety, demonstrating our   million  tonnes,  and  they  are  able
             ment                            commitment to meeting international   to communicate directly with each
             ASTM D5492: PP crystallinity de- standards in everything we do.”    other on the platform using a com-
                                                                                  pliant integrated chat feature.
             termination                     This latest certification breakthrough   Buyers’ documentation is available
             ASTM D6247: XRF analysis for  marks another chapter in OQ’s ongoing   to the seller before they accept a bid,
             additive concentration          growth story. Since 2020, the company   saving time on admin and compli-

             ASTM D6290:  Yellowness index   has  grown  its  client  base  tenfold  from   ance work, claims TrueCircle, with
             evaluation                      300 to 3,000, while the volume of prod-  a  central  audit  trail  of  all  the  re-
                                             ucts shipped had jumped from 900 con-  quired documentation related to a
             Novolen N07: Evaluation of PP   tainers per month to 4,000 – all during   transaction.
             film purity                     a well-documented shipping crisis.

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