Page 36 - Plastics News September 2022
P. 36

Confusion Aplenty As Few Sign Up For Plastics Tax

                                             as many as 20,000 businesses would be  since the definition of plastics packaging
                                             affected                            is not always obvious: items such as
                                             “Fewer than one in 20 liable businesses   plastics  coat-hangers,  bin  liners,  gift
                                             registered for the new plastics packaging   wrapping such as tape, for example, are
                                             tax  in  the  first  month,”  said  Andrew   subject to the levy.”
                                             McCaffery, EPR director at the packaging  The list of packaging in and out of
                                             data services provider. “This considerable  scope is lengthy. The data reporting
                                             body blow also casts doubt over the £235  requirements for the tax are excessively
                                             million ($271m) in revenue HMRC  demanding, and many businesses are
                                             predicted it would collect from the new  yet to invest in improving their data
                                             tax in its first year. More worryingly, it  capturing  capability to  comply.  The
                                             also paves the way for a raft of fines for  burden of collecting the relevant data
                                             non-payment for the industry.       and compiling quarterly returns has been
         UK-based Ecoveritas has cited a                                         highly underestimated by many, and
         widespread  lack  of  understanding  after   “We  interact  with  thousands  of   there is a significant impact, especially
         less than 5 per cent of the number of   businesses of all shapes and sizes, and it   on those businesses that have never had
         registrations Her Majesty’s Revenue &   was clear that many were still struggling   to  report  on  packaging  data  in  such
         Customs’ (HMRC) estimated would     to get to grips with it. Despite the masses   detail before.
         pay the new tax on plastics packaging   of guidance issued by HMRC, which
         actually signed up.                 was  overwhelming,  the  legislation  is  “Deliberate failure to comply carries
         The UK Government’s flagship plastics   complicated. Businesses are confused  the risk of criminal charges,” added
                                             about who needs to pay the tax, when,  McCaffery. “Although HMRC is
         packaging tax (PPT) is payable by UK   and on which products.           unlikely to impose hefty penalties for
         businesses that manufacture or import                                   innocent  non-compliance  immediately,
         10 tonnes or more of plastics packaging,   “Many are unaware that the products   being unaware of a new tax will not stop
         which does not include at least 30 per   they make or use are within the tax’s   HMRC from investigating your business
         cent recycled plastics over 12 months.  scope, or that they could be liable if   and levying fines for any underpayments
         New data shows that just 992 UK     another member of their supply chain   or failure to register and make returns in
                                             fails to pay.
         businesses registered to pay the new                                    the longer term. Companies that ignore
         tax, which came into force on 1 April   “We believe the low number of   the plastics packaging tax may be in for a
         2022, in the first month of registrations,   registrations is down to some firms still   nasty surprise.”
         despite HMRC’s estimates suggesting   being unaware they have to pay the tax

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