Page 49 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 49


          Plastic Pollution Study Ignores Impact of ‘Waste

          Colonialism,’ Says Break Free From Plastics

          A                                                     plastic pollution. Despite high plastic consump-
                  new study on plastic pollution from Uni-
                  versity of Leeds researchers in the Unit-
                                                                tion, macro-plastic pollution is a comparatively
                  ed Kingdom used artificial intelligence to
          model waste management in more than 50,000            small issue in the Global North, according to the
                                                                researchers, because of comprehensive waste
          municipalities around the world. Among other          management systems. And that raised the hack-
          findings, the researchers found that more than        les of activist organization Break Free From Plas-
          two-thirds of global plastic pollution comes from     tics, which accused the study of perpetuating
          uncollected waste and that over 50% of all plastic    misleading narratives and ignoring the impact of
          pollution was burned in homes, on streets, and        “waste colonialism.”
          in dumpsites with no environmental considera-
          tions. The study published in Nature, "A local-to-    The world’s plastic pollution hotspots
          global emissions inventory of macroplastic pollu-     Mapping and quantifying plastic waste mate-
          tion," also revealed that macro-plastic pollution     rial flows is necessary to establish  a baseline
          — defined as plastic objects larger than 5 mm         “to inform Plastics Treaty obligations,” note the
          (about 3/16 of an inch) — is especially rampant       researchers,  referencing  negotiations  currently
          in the Global South, which accounts for more          underway by the United Nations to establish
          than two-thirds of the annual 57 million tons of      a legally binding global treaty to prevent plas-

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