Page 51 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 51


          Eventually, Break Free From Plastic gets to its       waste. Plastic production reduction is the only
          core message in a press release that was osten-       effective way to tackle the plastic pollution cri-
          sibly drafted to contest the research published       sis.”
          in Nature: “There are no effective solutions  to                                    Source – Plastics Today
          handle or recycle collected or recovered plastic

          U.S. Plastics Pact adds to its list of ‘problematic’


                                                                     Non-compostable produce stickers,
                                                                     multi-material plastic packaging and
                                                                     degradability  additives  have  been
                                                                     added to U.S. Plastics Pact’s list of
                                                                     problematic and unnecessary mate-

                     ith  the  U.S.  Plastics  Pact  on  track   cals”;
                     to eliminate its initial 11 problematic
          Wplastics by 2025, the group decided                  Pigments that cannot be detected by optical
          to add three more items to the list.                  sorters, such as carbon black;

          The  U.S.  Plastics  Pact,  which  formed  in  2020,   Opaque or pigmented PET bottles of any color
          has 130 signatories, including large public and       besides transparent blue or green;
          private organizations. In 2022, it released its ini-  Oxo-degradable additives, including oxo-biode-
          tial list of “problematic and unnecessary materi-     gradable additives;
          als” that should be avoided.

          That list included:                                   Glycol-modified PET in rigid packaging;

          Cutlery;                                              Label constructions such as adhesives, inks or
                                                                difficult materials including PETG, PVC, PLA and
          Intentionally added per- and polyfluoroalkyl sub-     paper;
          stances often called PFAS or “forever chemi-

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