Page 54 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 54


          AIMPLAS drives circular economy with 74% re-

          duced carbon footprint

          Key Highlights:                                       The activity of AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technol-
                                                                ogy Centre, generated a social impact of 686
          ♦   For the fifth consecutive year, the AIMPLAS       million euros in 2023. This figure is the result of
             - Plastics Technology Centre presented its         calculating the Centre’s social return on invest-
             sustainability report in which it takes stock      ment (SROI) by a specialised organisation, as re-
             of its activity in 2023 in accordance with GRI     flected in its fifth sustainability report, in which
                                                                the Centre takes stock of its activity in the previ-
          ♦   The report highlights the fact that the Cen-      ous year in terms of environmental, social and
             tre’s activity of supporting companies adapt-      ESG good governance criteria.
             ing to the circular  economy model had an
             impact of 317 million euros, as well as its re-    The document, prepared in accordance with
             newed commitment to the ten principles of          Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, high-
             the UN Global Compact and the SDGs.                lights the main milestones in 2023 linked to sus-
                                                                tainability and renewal of its commitment to the
                 he Centre has also been listed in the Reg-     ten principles of the UN Global Compact and the
                 istry of Socially Responsible Valencian        SDGs. The impact of AIMPLAS’ activity aligned
          TOrganizations.                                       with the SDGs was calculated at 448 million eu-
                                                                ros, while its activity involving the circular econ-

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