Page 28 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 28


          Hacking plastics with silver and electricity

          Researchers have developed an innovative way of hacking conducting plastics so as to prevent
          bacterial growth using silver nanoparticles and a small electrical current. The method could prove
          to be useful in preventing bacterial infections in hospitals.

              ospital wards are full of patients and many       applying tiny electrical currents to a conducting plastic
          Hdevices, each one potentially harbouring dangerous   surface had no effect on bacterial growth. on a similar
          microbes.  Bacteria are capable of surviving for a long   surface exposing an attached layer of silver nanoparticles,
          time on plastic surfaces, from which they can spread to   bacterial growth was reduced. However, application of a
          patients and cause infections.                        tiny electrical current to the latter surface enhanced the
                                                                effect of attached silver nanoparticles, and the bacteria
          While  both  large  electrical  currents  and  high  silver
                                                                were completely destroyed.
          concentrations are known to kill bacteria, they also pose
          a  risk  to  humans,  which  is  why  their  use  in  hospitals     “It’s a phenomenon known as the bioelectric effect,
          is limited. New research lead by Professor Agneta     whereby electrical fields weaken bacterial cells against
          Richter-Dahlfors  at Karolinska Institutet’s  Department   external attacks”, says PhD student  Salvador Gomez-
          of  Neuroscience  shows  that  it is  not necessary to  use   Carretero  at Karolinska Institutet's  Department of
          dangerous concentrations of silver or large currents in   Neuroscience. “We use electrical signals to increase the
          order to kill bacteria, if these are used in combination.  antimicrobial activity of the silver nanoparticles. This
                                                                reduces the amount of silver needed, which is beneficial
          “By targeting the bacteria on several fronts at the same
                                                                for both the patient and the environment.” In the future,
          time, the effect of different small attacks becomes larger
          than  when  each  factor  is  acting  on  its  own”,  explains   the researchers hope that this technology will help to
                                                                keep surfaces in hospitals and other settings requiring
          Agneta Richter-Dahlfors.
                                                                high hygienic standards free from bacteria that can cause
          The  research  team  focussed  on  the  notorious  hospital   life-threatening infections.
          pathogen  Staphylococcus aureus.  They found that
                                                                “It has not yet been tested in the clinic, but we believe
                                                                                            this technology could
                                                                                            be  a  good  approach  to
                                                                                            limiting  the  spread  of
                                                                                            infectious bacteria and
                                                                                            the incidence Richter-
                                                                                            Dahlfors of hospital-
                                                                                            acquired infections”
                                                                                            says  Professor  Richter-
                                                                                            Dahlfors. The  study  was
                                                                                            financed  by  the  Swedish
                                                                                            Re se a rch  Cou n cil,
                                                                                            Vinnova, Carl Bennet
                                                                                            AB  and  the  Swedish
                                                                                            Medical Nanoscience

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