Page 29 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 29


         Indian scientists use tiny bubbles to draw plastic circuits

         Indian scientists have found a way to use micro-bubbles to draw complex plastic circuits with
         lasers, an advance that may lead to low-cost flexible electronic devices.

           n a first, Indian scientists have found a way to use micro-  material  which  partially  absorbs  the  light,  so that  the
          Ibubbles to draw complex plastic circuits with lasers,   local temperature increases very rapidly. However, these
          an advance that may lead to low-cost flexible electronic   also can be dispensed easily by just redirecting the laser
          devices. Solution-printed electronics is one of the fastest   or shutting it off. “In the case with the SoMs, the student
          growing areas in the industry primarily due to its very low   observed that when he tried to move the laser away, the
          cost and flexibility, researchers from the Indian Institute   bubble followed it, and in the process generated a pattern
          of Science Education and Research (IISER) in Kolkata said.   in its wake,” Banerjee said.
          It is mostly based on conducting plastics,that are doped to
          increase conductivity. The process of synthesising, doping   “We then proceeded to unravel this mystery, and in the
          and designing circuits separately is
          often complex and time consuming.
          For  the  first  time,  scientists  led  by
          Ayan Banerjee and Soumyajit Roy
          from IISER Kolkata, have developed a
          simple and inexpensive technique to
          simultaneously synthesise and pattern
          conductive polymers on a glass surface
          in a matter of minutes.

          They exposed a solution of charged
          metal oxide, known as soft oxometalate
          (SoM) and organic molecules in a glass
          chamber to optical tweezers – a tightly
          focused laser.   Absorbing the beam,
          oxometalate stuck to the chamber
          surface to form a micro-bubble around
          which the metal oxide and organic molecules assembled
          themselves to form conductive polymers.“This patterning   process understood the phenomenon, which took more
                                                                than a year,” he said.  “The research revealed fascinating
          technique was discovered somewhat serendipitously
          when one of my graduate students was working with     explanations, which then led to us think of various
                                                                applications,” he added.
          SoMs in optical tweezers and noticed these bubbles grow
          unexpectedly,” said Banerjee, Associate Professor at IISER   This method can be used for complex electronic circuits
          Kolkata.                                              which are useful for fabricating electronic devices such
                                                                as micro-capacitors. According to Roy, associate professor
          Solution-printed electronics is one of the fastest growing
          areas in the industry primarily due to its very low cost   at IISER Kolkata, the method is cheaper and much easier
                                                                than several existing technologies.  “The method can even
          and flexibility. Bubbles in optical tweezers often occur
          when the tightly focused laser hits some accumulated   be used to make biodegradable flexible plastic circuits,”
                                                                Roy said.

                                                                                      29   Aug ust  2017  | Plastics News
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