Page 31 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 31


          The Pre-treatment Study of Varied Woods with High Performance
          Light Stabilizers


          Yung-Chi Yang, Yu-Shu Sung , Miles Hsieh, Yin-Ting Lai, Chung-Han Lu, Hsiao-Fang Chiu,
          Chih-Hsien Chein, and Dr.Yao-Hsing Huang

            ignin, when exposed to the sunlight, can easily be   wood with and without SB-1 pre-treatment in different
          Ldegraded. To preserve the beauty of wood grain, UV   co-solvents. Design of Experiment (DoE) was used in this
          absorber and light stabilizer containing waterborne clear   study. Our data confirmed that pre-treatment is better
          coats are commonly applied to the surface for protection.   than not pre-treatment from UV light degradation. Lignin
          However, the effectiveness of such application is limited.   is a complex organic polymers. The functional group
          According to our studies, pre-treatment of varied wood   contains hydroxyl groups (-oH). Two types of co-solvents
          surface prior to the application of clear top coat can   are tested in this system, the  solubility parameter of
          effectively extend the protection of lignin from UV light   isopropyl alcohol is 11.5 and butyl carbitol is 9.9. After
          degradation.                                          weathering Test, SB-1 mixed with isopropyl alcohol is
                                                                better than butyl carbitol. The softwoods contain 25–35%
          Eversorb AQ-1,  a  blend  of  UV  absorber  and  HALS,  is   lignin and hardwoods contain 18–25% lignin. Theory, SB-1
          developed by Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation   pre-treatment is significant to protect softwoods. Data
          (ECIC) specifically for waterborne clear coats.
                                                                indicates that pre-treatment with SB-1 in softwoods
          Eversorb SB1, designed for wood pretreatments, can    (Southern Pine and Douglas fir) are significant effect than
          protect lignin from UV light degradation. This paper is   hardwoods (Cedar, Southern beech and African Teak).
          a comparison study in accelerated weathering of varied

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