Page 44 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 44


          Summary report

          Assocham summit on 'Digitizing msmes – the way forward'

         Mr. Raja m. Shah attended assocjham summit on “digitizing   2.  Why the Banks keep the decisions pending?   Banks
         msmes – the way forward” on 20th april 2017 Mumbai.        should give decision within 7 days – YES / No

         It was high level summit, empathizing how digitalizing   3.  Rate of interest for MSMEs from Nationalised Banks
         will accelerate growth of msmes.  Information technology   should be common.  RBI base Rate is fixed. Which is
         has become necessary to msmes for successful business.     at present around 6.90%.  Why Banks charge 11.50%
         Erp – enterprise resources planning is now basis to remain   to 13.50% RoI should be based rate of RBI plus 2.5%
         competitive.                                               at the most.

         1.  Digital payments are simpler                       Summit had 5 Expert Speakers and 12 Panelists.
                                                                Discussions / questions and explanations along with
         2.  Payment shall drive consumption
                                                                presentations by Speakers were excellent.  Presentation by
         3.  Develop Eco-system to accelerate consumer’s needs  Mr. Jyoti Prakash Gadia, Co-Chairman, MSME Development

         4.  Exploit next Generation  Technology to meet        Council, ASSOCHAM & Managing Director, Resurgent India
             customer’s needs.                                  Ltd.  Mr. Gadia presented a few case studies about various
                                                                aspects of MSMEs.  His views very well appreciated by all
         5.  You have Smart Phones – create Smart Business – it is   the delegates.
             in your hands.
                                                                other issues like Cloud Seeding, Digital Financing, Smart
         6.  Shape your future yourself.                        Business at Smart Phone, rehabilitation of sick units and
         B)      EFFECTS OF DEMONETIZATION & MSMEs              various points of MSMEs well discussed and explained by
                                                                12 Panelists.
         1.  Liquidity in Form of cancelled currency has dried up.

         2.  SME shall invest in self Development, improvement
             in technology, and increase in profitability.

         3.  Spiral effect on improvement of economy – pay tax
             and scale up.

         4.  Medium size has easy ride but tiny and micro are
             terrible shape

         5.  Expansion in gradual process with new taxation and
             various benefits for MSMEs.

         6.  With GST Effect shortly, it shall improve with various
         C)      GOOD NEWS                                      Mr. R.B. Gupte, Director, DI Mumbai, presented various

         Smt. Surekha Marandi – Executive Director, Reserve Bank of   Portals, Apps, e-office, designed by Government of India to
         India had discussed the problems of MSMEs about financial   benefit MSMEs.  He had excellent PPT presentation inviting
         assistance to MSMEs.  She is in favour that a common loan   delegates to search the details on the website of MSME.
         application form of a few pages should be available online.    CONCLUSION:
         AIPMA had presented queries for MSME.                  All relevant topics of MSMEs were covered having actual
         1.  MSMEs Submit loan applications and even after 3    case  study  presentations.    Such  Summit  should  be
             months, they do not know their future, whether loan   regularly arranged and attended by MSMEs to enhance
             is approved or not.                                their knowledge.

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