Page 39 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 39


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              papers. In" Photochemistry of Lignocellulosic Materials   of  Mechanical  and  Ultra-High  Yield  Pulps.  Part3.
              "  (C.  Heitner  and  J.C.  Scaiano  Ed.)  [A]. American   Comparison of Softwood TMP, Softwood CTMP, and
              Chemical Society. Washington D.C. 1993, pp.2-22.     Aspen  CTMP.”  [J]  Journal  of  WoodChemistry  and
                                                                   Technology, 1995, 15(2): 223-245.
          [6]  SCHMIDT, J.A.; HEITNER, C. “Light-Induced Yellowing
              of  Mechanical  and  Ultra-High  Yield  Pulps.  Part3.   [9]  Yung-Chi Yang, Shih-Chen Huang, Chih-Hsien Chein,
              Comparison of Softwood TMP, Softwood CTMP, and       Dr. Yao-Hsing Huang. Light stabilisers for woodpre-
              Aspen  CTMP.”  [J]  Journal  of  Wood  Chemistry  and   treatment  applications[J].  Polymers  Paint  Colour
              Technology, 1995, 15(2): 223-245.                    Journal, 2011, 201(4565):21-22

          [7]  Heitner, C. Light-induced yellowing of wood-containing   [10]    Himmel,  M.  E.,  J.  o.  Baker,  and  R.  P.
              papers. In" Photochemistry of Lignocellulosic Materials   overend(1994). “Enzymatic Conversion of Biomass for
              "  (C.  Heitner  and  J.C.  Scaiano  Ed.)  [A]. American   Fuels Production”, ed. By M.J. Comstock, American
              Chemical Society. Washington D.C. 1993, pp.2-22.     Chemical Society, Washington, DC.

          1.  DEFINITIoN oF MSME AS PER MSMED ACT - 2006

              Size of the Enterprise            Manufacturing (Investment in  Service (Investment in Equipment)
              Micro                             Upto INR25 lakh                  Upto INR10 lakh
              Small                             Above INR25 lakh upto to INR5 crore Above INR10 lakh upto INR2 crore
              Medium                            Above INR5 crore upto INR10 crore  Above INR2 crore upto INR5 crore

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