Page 63 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 63


          New Method to improve                                   New technique to make heat

          properties of polymers                                  pass through plastic

             esearchers at the Department of Energy have             esearchers in materials science and mechanical
          Rdiscovered a surprising way to improve the properties  Rengineering  at  the  University  of  Michigan  (UM)
          of polymers by blending nanoparticles with polymer      have  developed  a  new  technique  that  can  change
          materials. A team of scientists led by the DoE’s oak Ridge   plastic's molecular structure to help it cast off heat.
          National Laboratory (oRNL) were studying the role of    The new technique uses a process that engineers the
          polymer structure, the interaction between nanoparticles
                                                                  structure of the material itself, considering the nature
                                                                  of plastics made of long chains of molecules that are
                                                                  tightly coiled and tangled like a bowl of spaghetti,
                                                                  Xinhua reported.

                                                                  It used a chemical process to expand and straighten
                                                                  the molecule chains, giving heat energy a more direct
                                                                  route through the material. To accomplish this, the
                                                                  researchers first dissolved a typical polymer, or plastic
                                                                  in water, then added electrolytes to the solution to
                                                                  raise its pH, making it alkaline. The individual links
                                                                  in the polymer chain, called monomers, take on a
          and polymer, and nanoparticle size and shape on the     negative charge, which causes them to repel each
          structure, dynamics, and macroscopic properties of      other. As the monomers spread apart, they unfurl the
          polymer nanocomposites, which are used in numerous      chain's tight coils. Finally, water and polymer solution
          applications.Understanding  these  effects  would  allow   is  sprayed  onto  plates  using  a  common  industrial
          the team—which also included researchers from the       process called spin casting, which reconstitutes it
          University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois) and   into a solid plastic film. The uncoiled molecule chains
          the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) - to improve
          the design of new composite polymers, since they can    within the plastic make it easier for heat to travel
          tune mechanical, chemical, electrical, optical and thermal   through it.Researchers also found that the process
          properties. In particular, the team was trying to verify that   has  a  secondary  benefit:  it  stiffens  the  polymer
          shrinking the nanoparticle size would adversely affect the   chains and helps them pack together more tightly,
          mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites, but    making  them  even  more  thermally  conductive.
          they learned something else entirely, according to Alexei   "Polymer molecules conduct heat by vibrating, and a
          Sokolov, a researcher from ORNL and UTK. “We expected   stiffer molecule chain can vibrate more easily," said
          that there is a limit of how small a nanoparticle should be   Apoorv Shanker, a materials science and engineering
          to affect macroscopic properties of nanocomposite. And   graduate student."Think of a tightly stretched guitar
          at the nanoparticle size, we expected either no effect   string compared to a loosely coiled piece of twine.
          or deterioration of nanocomposite properties. We got a
          surprise.”                                              The guitar string will vibrate when plucked, the twine
                                                                  won't. Polymer molecule chains behave in a similar
          What researchers learned instead was not that an optimal   way," Shanker added. The process is a major departure
          nanoparticle size must exist, which is what they believed   from previous approaches, which have focused
          they would discover. Instead, they found that moving to   on  adding  metallic  or  ceramic  fillers  to  plastics,  a
          really small nanoparticles enabled them to access totally
          new properties, Sokolov said. This occurred not due to   process that is expensive as well as can change the
          size but because small particles move faster than large   properties of the plastic in undesirable ways.The work
          ones and interact with fewer polymer segments on the    has important consequences because of the large
          same chain. Many more polymer segments stick to a large   number of polymer applications where temperature
          nanoparticle, making dissociation of a chain from that   is important. The study has been published in the
          nanoparticle difficult.                                 journal Science Advances.

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