Page 18 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 18


          AIPMA  Meeting - Environment Cell

             n meeting was was held on Saturday, 27th July, 2019 at   features was discussed.  The government regulations
          A4.00 p.m. at AIPMA House, Mumbai to discuss various   pertaining to plastic waste management, introduction
          issues related to Environment cell and EPR .          to EPR and its regulations were explained to the present
                                                                members. It was an interactive session were the present
          Following dignitaries were present for the meeting:
                                                                members raised discussed existing problems, asked queries
          From AIPMA                                            regarding EPR, shared their viewpoints w.r.t solutions and

          ͻ   Mr. Hiten Bheda – Chairman, Environment Committee  also actively participated in the deliberation.
          ͻ   Mr. Jayesh Rambhia – Co-Chairman, Environment     In response, Mr. Rambhia, Mr. Bheda, Mr. Shah and
              Committee                                         Mr. Savla tried to resolve queries of the members,
          From FPITA                                            explained the government regulations to them in detail
                                                                for better understanding. They emphasized that ‘This is
          ͻ   Mr. Sanjay Shah – President                       a Time to Act’ and encouraged members to proactively

          ͻ   Mr. Ashish Savla – Vice President                 participate in EPR activities.
          Representatives present for the meeting:              Collective efforts and a multidimensional approach are

          ͻ   Raddiconnect                                      needed at this stage to tackle the problem. Along with EPR
          ͻ   Dalmia                                            activity focus should also be given on awareness campaign,
          ͻ   Shakti Plastics
          ͻ   Sampurn(e)arth
          ͻ   PRO India
          Over 60 members convened for the meeting.

          The Agenda for the meeting was to discuss on the proposed
          EPR Activity and its features in detail. In the meeting,
          various discussions pertaining to the agenda took place.
          Discussions majorly focussed on EPR compliances, need
          of EPR and proposed EPR activity.
                                                                viability gap funding etc. Proper documentation of EPR
          Speakers gave a brief about EPR obligations and       activity is essential. The proposed EPR activity and its
          the proposed EPR activity.  The representatives of    process were explained to members. Salient features of
          waste management companies and recyclers gave an      proposed EPR include a tie-up with waste management
          introduction of their company, explained the process of   companies / Recyclers, Social media Marketing for
          waste management, initiatives taken by their organization   awareness creation, visible EPR (Popular Public EPR)
          to solve the issues, their approaches and achievements.   HWF   +RZHYHU  LW ZDV FODULÀHG WKDW WKLV SURSRVHG (35 LV D
          They also expounded journey of their organization     recommended solution and it does not ensure revocation
          focussing on waste management.                        of closures.
          During the discussion, it was stressed that EPR is    At the end of meeting, all present members who were
          mandatory and EPR implementation is a need of an hour   interested in executing their EPR with an associations
          LQ RUGHU WR VDYH WKH LQGXVWU\  'LVFXVVLRQV DQG FODULÀFDWLRQV   were asked to submit the circulated form, mentioning
          regarding how to conduct EPR, necessity of doing EPR,   DOO UHTXLUHG GHWDLOV LQ WKH IRUP  $IWHU ÀQDOL]DWLRQ RI WKH
          EPR obligations also took place.  Furthermore, Overview   process and rates, all required details will be informed
          of Plastic waste management Rules, 2016 and its salient   to the members by the association.

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