Page 23 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 23


          Rochling Glastic Composites to                         Graham Packaging to close
          invest $4 million for its warehouse                    Holland plant, lay off 42 people

                                                                     raham Packaging Company LP, a manufacturer of
             ochling Glastic Composites, is planning construction   Gplastic containers and packaging, plans to cease
          Rof an approximately $4 million warehouse building     operations and permanently close its plant in Holland.
          extension at its Glenridge Road property. Economic     $FFRUGLQJ WR D QRWLÀFDWLRQ WKH FRPSDQ\ VHQW WR WKH
          Development Director Michael Love said that Glastic is   state workforce development agency, the shutdown will
          planning a 60,000-square-foot extension at 4321 Glenridge   affect all 33 active hourly employees and nine active
                                                                 salaried employees at the location. Graham Packaging
                                                                 will begin permanent layoffs at the Holland facility,
                                                                 ORFDWHG DW      :DYHUO\ 5RDG  LQ 6HSWHPEHU DQG ÀQDO
                                                                 production will conclude in October, according to the
                                                                 FRPSDQ\  &ORVLQJ WKH IDFLOLW\ LQ +ROODQG LV ´GLIÀFXOW EXW
                                                                 QHFHVVDU\µ 7UDFHH 5HHYHV  FKLHI JHQHUDO FRXQVHO DQG
                                                                 head of global sustainability at Graham Packaging, said
                                                                 in an email to MiBiz. The company also is closing plants
                                                                 with similar operations in Virginia and California. “This
                                                                 GHFLVLRQ LV LQ QR ZD\ D UHÁHFWLRQ RI WKH FDSDELOLWLHV DQG
                                                                 GHGLFDWLRQ RI RXU SODQW ZRUNIRUFH µ 5HHYHV VDLG  *UDKDP
          Road. Trees have been cleared from the property to make   Packaging operates 70 facilities in North America and
          room for the new construction, which Rochling Glastic Vice   employs more than 7,000 people worldwide, according
          President and General Manager Fred Sanford said will be   to the company’s website. Employees at the Holland
          an extension of the company’s main building. “It will be
                                                                 location do not have the right to bump into positions at
          D ZDUHKRXVH µ /RYH VDLG  ´1RZ  WKH\·UH ZDUHKRXVLQJ LV   other facilities, but they may apply for open positions
          done in their manufacturing building. They’ll be able to   ZLWKLQ WKH FRPSDQ\  :LWK WKH FORVXUH RI LWV WKUHH XQLWV
          move things into the new warehouse and have more room
                                                                 tore than 175 people are losing their jobs through
          IRU PDQXIDFWXULQJ DQG PD\EH DGG PRUH MREV µ 7KH FLW\·V   three separate Graham Packaging Co. plant closings.
          Architectural Review Board and Planning Commission have   Graham Packaging is a worldwide leader in the design,
          already approved preliminary site plans. Final building   manufacture and sale of technology-based, customized
          plans must yet be approved. Sanford said the extension,   rigid plastic containers for a variety of branded
          E\ WKH WLPH ÀQDO SODQV DUH GUDZQ  FRXOG PHDVXUH EHWZHHQ   markets, including food and beverage, household and
          40,000 and 60,000 square feet. He said the company hopes   automotive lubricants.Headquartered in Lancaster,
          to begin work on the foundation by October and have the
          founded in 1946, currently has a large manufacturing
          building and a smaller storage building on its property.
          ´7KH  PDLQ  EXLOGLQJ  ZDV  EXLOW  LQ       µ  6DQIRUG  VDLG
          “They started with a much smaller building and there
          main building is now 122,500 square feet. Sanford said
          the addition will extend toward Glenridge Road. Röchling
          collaborated closely with tank builders in designing and
          developing Polystone® P CubX®, and made full use of
          their experience. After the market launch, Röchling    3HQQV\OYDQLD  ZLWK LWV ÁDJVKLS PDQXIDFWXULQJ IDFLOLW\ LQ
          SUHVHQWHG 3RO\VWRQHŠ 3 &XE;Š IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH LQ        nearby York, Pennsylvania. In 2011, Graham Packaging
          to an international audience of specialists at three trade   was acquired by Reynolds Group Holdings, a leading
          fairs: Surface Technology in Stuttgart, ACHEMA in Frankfurt   global manufacturer and supplier of consumer food and
          and Intergalva in Berlin.                              beverage packaging and storage products.

                                                                                  23   August 2019  Plastics News
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