Page 19 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 19


         Henkel shares software tool for evaluating the recyclability of packaging

             enkel has made its EasyD4R software assessment     DFFHOHUDWH  WKH  WUDQVLWLRQ  WR  D  FLUFXODU  HFRQRP\ µ  VDLG
          Htool publicly available to help develop sustainable   Dr. Thorsten Leopold, head of international packaging
          packaging. The software tool EasyD4R is based on public   development for home care products at Henkel.
          and recognised criteria catalogues such as those from
          Plastics Recyclers Europe.The goal is to quickly and
          accurately assess the recyclability of packaging already   Braskem likely to exit
                                                                 its petrochem project in

                                                                    razilian petrochemical producer Braskem is no
                                                                 Blonger pursuing a petrochemical project, which
                                                                 ZRXOG KDYH LQFOXGHG DQ HWKDQH FUDFNHU  LQ :HVW 9LUJLQLD
                                                                 and is seeking to sell the land that would have housed
                                                                 LW  DFFRUGLQJ WR D UHSRUW E\ 63*OREDO 3ODWWV   'XH WR D
                                                                 number of recent inquiries about its site in Parkersburg,
                                                                 Braskem has
          during the early stages of product development. This
                                                                 HQJDJHG D ÀQDQFLDO
          ZDV  FRQÀUPHG  E\  DQ  LQGHSHQGHQW  WHVW  FRPSOHWHG  E\   advisor to help
          Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and     evaluate strategic
          Energy Technology UMSICHT. The scientists analyzed the   alternatives for the
          evaluation software and its results and compared them
          with national as well as international standards.The   VLWH   WKH FRPSDQ\
                                                                 said, declining
          software evaluates the recyclability of packaging based on   further comment.
          its composition and the individual weight proportions of the   Braskem America
          respective components such as basic materials, closures,
          labels or colours. For all materials in question, the tool   spokesperson
                                                                 Stacy Torpey  said
          during sorting, and for processing during recycling. On
          this basis, EasyD4R shows clear results displayed on a   exploring its options for the property along the Ohio
          WUDIÀF OLJKW  HYDOXDWLRQ  V\VWHP   ,W  SURYLGHV  LQIRUPDWLRQ   River where plans for a large cracker were announced
          on the recyclability of each design as a percentage and   in 2013. She said the company has received a “number
          the material combinations which can be optimized for   RI  UHFHQW  LQTXLULHVµ  DERXW  WKH  VLWH   SURPSWLQJ  WKH
          recycling. By doing so, it supports the development of   company to consider a possible sale.The project,
          VXVWDLQDEOH  SDFNDJLQJ  VROXWLRQV ´:LWK  WKLV  WRRO   WKH   announced in 2013, has been on Braskem's back burner
          recyclability of product packaging can be evaluated very   for several years.In May 2018, Mark Nikolich, CEO of
          ZHOO µ  VDLG  0DUNXV  +LHEHO   KHDG  RI  VXVWDLQDELOLW\  DQG   Braskem's US arm, Braskem America, said the project
                                                                 remained on hold pending progress on infrastructure,
          delighted that companies like Henkel are taking their   such as pipelines. The company had not found the
          responsibility seriously and making a contribution to the   ULJKW ULVN SURÀOH E\ WKDW WLPH  KH VDLG ODVW \HDU  6LQFH
          GHYHORSPHQW  RI  UHF\FODEOH  SDFNDJLQJ µ,Q  LWV  SDFNDJLQJ   then, Braskem has faced multiple other challenges.
          strategy, Henkel has set itself the goal to make all   The company is facing fallout from a government
          packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.   report that linked its salt mining operations in Brazil
          The proportion of recycled plastic used in packaging   to geological damages, leading to one cash freeze of
          for consumer goods products in Europe should increase   R$3.7 bln (US$973 mln) and a lawsuit seeking a second
          WR      ´:H  ZDQW  WR  SURPRWH  RSHQ  FROODERUDWLRQ   DQG   freeze of R$2.5 bln (US$657 mln).

                                                                                  19   August 2019  Plastics News
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