Page 20 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 20


          North Carolina's Bright Plastics                       Fire at ExxonMobil Chemical
          adds two-shot press as it expands                      unit in Texas

          molding capabilities
                                                                    ix people were injured July 31 after an explosion and
             ustom injection molder Bright Plastics Inc. has added   SÀUH DW DQ ([[RQ0RELO &KHPLFDO &R  SURS\OHQH DQG
          Ca two-shot injection molding machine at its corporate   propane unit in Baytown, Texas. The company brought
          manufacturing center in Greensboro, N.C. The company   XQGHU FRQWURO D ÀUH WKDW HUXSWHG RQ :HGQHVGD\ DW LWV
          invested about $250,000 in the all-electric, 140-ton   %D\WRZQ  7H[DV  UHÀQLQJ DQG FKHPLFDO SODQW FRPSOH[
                                                                 injuring 37 workers, none seriously. Emergency crews
          Nissei NEX press, plus auxiliary equipment, including a
                                                                 ZRUNHG  WR  H[WLQJXLVK  WKH  ÀUH  LQWR  WKH  HYHQLQJ   WKH
                                                                 company said in a statement. The cause of the blaze
                                                                 was not disclosed, but an investigation was under way
                                                                 and Exxon said it was cooperating with authorities.The
                                                                 injured workers were treated for minor burns, none
                                                                 requiring hospitalization, plant manager Jason Duncan
                                                                 WROG D QHZV EULHÀQJ  7KH FRPSDQ\ VDLG D WRWDO RI
                                                                 staff and contract workers were examined and released
                                                                 during the day at a nearby health clinic which provides
                                                                 ÀUVW DLG  ´:H DUH FRRSHUDWLQJ ZLWK UHJXODWRU\ DJHQFLHV
                                                                 :H  GHHSO\  UHJUHW  DQ\  GLVUXSWLRQ  RU  LQFRQYHQLHQFH
                                                                 WKDW WKLV LQFLGHQW PD\ KDYH FDXVHG WKH FRPPXQLW\ µ
          Mold-Masters E-Multi injection unit. The E-Multi unit can   Exxon spokeswoman Sarah Nordin said in a statement.
          be unhooked, so the machine can be used as a standard   Available air monitoring information from the inside the
          molding machine or equipped onto other presses.        %D\WRZQ 2OHÀQV 3ODQW·V JURXQGV DQG RXWVLGH PRQLWRULQJ
          The machine will be used to mold retail parts for the   sources recorded no adverse impacts, she said. The
          entertainment industry, according to Joe Vest, vice    ÀUH EXUQHG UHVLGXDO IXHO FRQWDLQHG LQ D ODUJH FROXPQ
          had a part, or parts, that had the volume that would
          said. Bright Plastics offers two-shot injection molding
          that can combine multiple colors and materials into a
          single automated process to create the unique part that
          you need. Our use of two-shot and multi-shot injection
          molding is applicable to many industries, including
          the medical, consumer products, outdoor recreation,
          telecommunications and defense industries. The most
          common use is in decorating esthetic plastic parts such
          as automotive indicator knobs and specialty parts for the
          gaming and entertainment industry. Another application
          is molding together two dissimilar materials such as nylon   ZKHUH WKH ÀUH RFFXUUHG HPSOR\V DERXW       SHRSOH
          and thermoplastic elastomer where the nylon may be     among four manufacturing sites that cover 3,400 acres
                                                                 (13.8 square kilometers). It sits along the Houston Ship
          required for functionality of a part and the elastomer   Channel, the nation’s largest and busiest energy port.
          could be used for feeling and esthetic purposes. The   $HULDO IRRWDJH GXULQJ WKH EOD]H VKRZHG ÁDPHV DQG KHDY\
          ability to offer two-shot molding will help customers lower   smoke emanating from a large column at the facility,
          costs by reducing machine time, multiple processes and   ZKLFK  ([[RQ  LGHQWLÀHG  DV  SDUW  RI  LWV  SURGXFWLRQ  RI
          assembly; improve product quality by completing all work   ROHÀQV  D FRPSRQHQW RI SODVWLF  (PHUJHQF\ YHKLFOHV DQG
          on a single machine and removing the margin of error from   people were massing around the edge of the complex.
          misalignment and handling issues.

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