Page 14 - Plastics News August 2021
P. 14


          Reverse Engineering, Measurement Technology  Awareness To Msmes

          & Quality In Plastic Industry                                          For Transition From
                                                                                 Single  Use  Plastic

                                                                                 (Sup) Part I

                                                                                      IPMA along with MSME-
                                                                                 ADevelopment Institute, Karnal,
                                                                                 Haryana jointly organized a webinar
                                                                                 on Awareness to MSME for transition
                                                                                 for Single Use Plastic on July 24,2021.
                                                                                 The event was a great success.
                                                                                 The webinar began with a brief
              nother webinar was organised by  Protosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. provided  introduction from Mr. Deepak Ballani,
          AAIPMA’s AMTEC along with Carl  an Industry Perspective on Reverse  He introduced the panelists and gave
          Zeiss India                        Engineering.                        a very brief insight about the webinar,
          Ltd. focusing on ‘Role of  Reverse  The topics discussed were:         He addressed the problem of Single
          Engineering, Measurement technology   •   Reduce time-to-market in the Plastic   Use Plastics in India and how the
          &  Quality  in  Plastic  Industry:  From   & Mold-making industry.     Government of India is taking strict
          Raw Material to Parts’ , on July 16, 2021.                             measures to eliminate SUPs from the
          The webinar began at 4 PM IST with   •   Measure Complex geometries and  country till 2022.
          Mr. Deepak Ballani – Director General,   Multi-materials in Plastic parts.  He added that the webinar will provide
          AIPMA, introducing Mr. Chandrakant   •   Increase Productivity and reduce  an insights and significant knowledge
          Turakhia, President AIPMA and Mr.      rejection rates with the use  on the subject. Further, he welcomed
          Arvind Mehta – Chairman Governing      technology.                     the eminent and experienced speakers
          Council AIPMA who set the note for   •   Multiple  ways  of   Reverse  and the organization heads.
          the program.                           engineering.                    Mr Sanjeev Chawla – Director, MSME
                                             •   New  technologies  in  Plastic  -Development  Institute,  Karnal
          Mr. Padmaprabha, Aveen - Divisional    Part measurement and Quality  enlightened us about the growing
          Manager, Carl Zeiss India, introduced   Assurance.                     Plastic waste, mismanagement in the
          about Zeiss - Indian operations , Solutions    The webinar was attended by over  country. Followed by the efforts that
          in Plastic industry and its offering. Mr.   250 people from the Plastics Industry  Government of  India is putting to
          SachinPawar Head ApplicationCarl Zeiss                                 phase out Single use plastics from the
          Indiaspoke about Zeiss Competence   and Mr. K S Manoj, Head - Business   country.  He mentioned that how GOI
          centers and Plastic industry - Consultancy   Development Carl Zeiss India answered   is dedicated towards the Swaach Bharat
          provided for measurement and RE.   all the queries.                    Abhiyan and this is a crucial step for the

          Mr. K S Manoj, Head - Business                                         Swaachata Mission. Additionally he also
          Development Carl Zeiss India explained                                 mentioned that the Ministry is planning
          METROTOM  1 for Plastic industry                                       to eliminate SUPs in three phases and
          – elaborating on Introduction and                                      brief knowledge about the SUP Expert
          information on its use in India while Mr.                              Committee. He also thanked AIPMA
          Rohan Tonde, Sales Specialist, Carl Zeiss                              for the collaboration and everyone
          India discussed about New technologies                                 for sparing their precious time for the
          in Plastic Part measurement and Quality                                valuable session.
          Assurance. Mr. Pavan - Manager- Pre                                    Mr. Arvind Mehta, Chairman,Governing
          sales, Carl Zeiss India, explained Measure                             Council, AIPMA, gave an Introductory
          Complex geometries and Multi-materials                                 Remarks in which he gave a brief about
          in Plastic parts Mr. Kushal Bheda -

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