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          how Plastic industry is dedicated to curb   and overseas, EPR SOP issued by   Awareness To Msmes
          plastic pollution in India. He addressed   CPCB for registration of Producers and
          that littering of  plastic is a major   Brand owners and how EPR can aid in   For Transition From
          concern. He mentioned about the draft   efficient Plastic waste management in   Single  Use  Plastic
          notification issued by the ministry in   India. Apart from that he gave us an
          addition to that he gave an overview   insight of various activities that AIPMA   (Sup) Part II
          of EPR and Plastic Waste Management   has conducted for Environment and
          Rules 2016. He then welcomed the    Plastic waste management along with
          speakers and representatives from   the representations that AIPMA has     IPMA along with MSME-
          MSME-DI, Karnal.                    made to the Government. He also    ADevelopment Institute, Karnal,
          Mr MukeshVerma, Assistant Director,   gave us a glimpse of circular economy   Haryana jointly organized a webinar
          MSME-DI,Karnal  Mr Verma            emphasizing that circular economy is   on Awareness to MSME for transition
          discussed the key objectives of  the   the way forward.                for Single Use Plastic on July 31,2021.
          webinar, he highlighted some major   Mr. Haren Sanghavi; - Co- Chairman   The event was a great success.
          environmental concerns of Single use   Environment Committee:  Mr Sanghavi   The  webinar  began with  a  brief
          plastics and emphasized on how the   gave an informative presentation on   introduction from Mr. Deepak Ballani,
          world is alarmed about the detrimental   SUPs. He started with the introduction   He introduced the panelists and gave a
          impacts of SUPs on the ecosystem.   of Single Use Plastics, what does it   very brief insight about the webinar, He
          Along with that he discussed about the   actually means and how the word was   addressed the problem of Single Use
          Plastic waste management scenario in   coined. Moving forward, he educated   Plastics in India and how the Government
          the country. He welcomed the speakers   the participants about Single Use Plastic   of  India is taking strict measures to
          and thanked the participants for joining   Regulations in countries like Europe.   eliminate SUPs from the country till
          the session.                        Along with that he focused on how   2022. He added that the webinar will
                                                                                 provide an  insights  and  significant
          Moderator: - Mr . Harpal Singh:-    SUPs gained attention globally. In his   knowledge on the subject. Further, he
          Investigator, Br MSME-DI Bhiwani    presentation he mentioned the adverse   welcomed the eminent and experienced
          introduced all the speakers.        impacts of SUPs to the environment   speakers and the organization heads.
          Mr. HitenBheda, Chair man,          and the list of  countries that has   Mr.ChandrakantTurakhia– President,
          Environment Committee, AIPMA.       already banned Single use plastics. He   AIPMA. Mr Turakhia addressed the
          Mr Bheda gave an illuminating       then discussed about the scenario in   growing problem of  waste especially
          presentation on evolution of Plastic   India, different states of the country   single use plastics, he added about the
          Waste Management Rules. He started   that has imposed partial or full ban on   draft notification on Single use plastics.
          with why it is necessary to have Plastic   the use and manufacturing of SUPs.   He welcomed the distinguished speakers
          waste management rules, historical   Moreover, his presentation gave us   for the session and wished luck for a
          background of these rules.          detail knowledge about the draft SUP   knowledgeable  and fruitful  webinar
                                              Notification issued by the ministry,   ahead.
          Followed by discussing scenarios of   the three stage ban of SUPs till 2022
          waste management and regulations    and the SUP Expert Committee report   Mr.Sanjeev  Chawla  – Director,
          of different countries like USA and   that emphasized on the list of items   MSME -Development Institute, Karnal
          Europe. He emphasized on regulations   to be banned on immediate basis. He   enlightened us about the growing Plastic
          and policies in India starting from   concluded his presentation with what   waste, mismanagement in the country.
          1999 to 2016. He enlightened the    representations AIPMA has given to   Followed by the efforts that Government
          participants about PWM Rules 2016   the Government and what does the   of India is putting to phase out Single use
          in detail followed by 2018 amendment.   future of SUPs look like.      plastics from the country.  He mentioned
          His presentation also covered the draft   Smt RachnaTripathi, Asstt Director   that how GOI is dedicated towards the
          notification of the Ministry issued in   MSME-DI, Karnal, ended the session   Swaach Bharat Abhiyan and this is a
          2021 about phasing out of SUPs and   by giving  vote of   thanks to the   crucial step for the Swaachata Mission.
                                                                                 Additionally he also mentioned that the
          emphasizing on the three stages for the   distinguished speakers and panelist.  Ministry is planning to eliminate SUPs in
          ban of SUPs in India.               She also thanked the participants for  three phases and brief knowledge about
          Additionally he addressed about EPR,   sparing their time for this enlightening  the SUP Expert Committee. He also
          successful EPR Models across India   session.                          thanked AIPMA for the collaboration

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