Page 12 - Plastics News August 2021
P. 12


          Technology Drives Business Opportunities In Plastic Packaging

             he next webinar was organised  Mr. R. Gopinath Rao, IEDS. Dy. Director  segregation and recycling are considered
          Tby AIPMA’s AMTEC along with  MSME Development Institute informed  to be " need of the hour" in compliance
          Foundation Innovative Packaging  all present about Government of India  to environmental regulation and circular
          &  Sustainability  (FIPS)  with  the  Schemes for Growth of MSME Sectors.  economy.
          theme  Technology  drives  Business   Plastics are considered to be the most  Considering the importance of these
          Opportunities in Plastic Packaging on   preferred packaging materials by the  aspects, AMTEC-AIPMA in association
          July13, 2021. The webinar began at   modern consumers due to its numerous  with Foundation for Innovative Packaging
          4 PM IST with Mr. Deepak Ballani –   advantages like easy availability, lighter in  and Sustainability ( FIPS) is organizing
          Director General, AIPMA, introducing   weight, high mechanical strength, excellent  One month Executive Development
          Mr. Chandrakant Turakhia, President   functional properties and economical as  program on "Plastics in Packaging-
          AIPMA and Mr. Arvind Mehta –       compared to other packaging materials.  Materials  Enhancing  Marketability"(
          Chairman Governing Council AIPMA   Over a period of time, the consumption  Module-1) and "Plastics in Packaging-
          who set the note for the program.   of  plastics packaging material has  Environmental  Aspects  &  Circular
          The chief Guest for the webinar was Mr   superseded all other materials like paper  Economy"( Module-2), commencing
          Ashok Chaturvedi – MD UFLEX Ltd.,   and paperboard, metal and glass. The  from 2nd September,2021 to upgrade
          while the subject experts for the webinar   rigid as well as flexible plastic materials  the knowledge of the participants in
          were,  Prof (Dr) N.C. Saha, Chairman,   are extensively used for the packaging  Packaging Science, Application of
          FIPS, Prof (Dr) A.K. Ghosh, Director   of  a wide variety of  products like  Plastic in Packaging, New Generation
          (Training), Mr M.K. Banerjee, Director   foods, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and  materials & its Characteristics, " State of
          (Innovation), FIPS, Mr. R. Gopinath Rao,   health care, toiletries and oral care etc.  the Art" techniques, Conversion process
          IEDS. Dy. Director MSME Development   But the important factors responsible  & its optimization, Quality evaluation,
          Institute.                         for the improvement of performance  Regulatory Compliance, Recyclability,
          The sessions were interesting indeed.   properties of plastics materials are the  Life Cycle analysis of polymeric materials
          Prof (Dr) N.C. Saha, Chairman, FIPS,  material Characteristics, processing  Sustainability & Circular Economy.
          spoke  about  Innovation  in  Plastic  technology and its quality evaluation. In   After the presentation by the experts, a
          packaging  whereas Prof (Dr) A.K. Ghosh,  fact, these factors play the vital role for   lot of the queries were answered during
          Director (Training), FIPS spoke about  the production of qualitative plastics   the  Q&A  round.  The  webinar  was
          Technology & Business opportunities  materials for packaging application   attended by over 250 people from the
          in Plastic Packaging.  Mr M.K. Banerjee,  in order to enhance the marketability   Plastics Industry.
          Director  (Innovation),  FIPS  gave  an  which leads to business opportunity and
          outlook on Career Opportunities in  growth. In addition, the post-consumer   Mr. Ajay Desai, Co Chairman – AIPMA’s
          Plastics Packaging – Future Outlook and   packaging waste in terms of collection,   AMTEC delivered the Vote of Thanks.

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