Page 43 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 43


          Berry Global expands use of recycled plastic in

          personal care packaging

                                                                care packaging.

                                                                Elodie  Roger,  sustainability  VP  at Berry  Global
                                                                CPI, emphasised the importance of both sustain-
                                                                ability and product performance in the beauty
                                                                packaging sector:
                                                                “Sustainability is a major requirement for beauty
                                                                packaging, but any recycled plastic for packs
                                                                has to meet the highest levels of performance in
                                                                terms of protecting and preserving the product

                 erry Global Group has announced that its       and maintaining its quality and effectiveness.
                 B Circular range of beauty and person-         “CleanStream  recycled  plastic  meets  these  re-
          Bal care packaging is now available with              quirements and is already being used by several
          CleanStream recycled plastic.                         leading personal care brands who are incorpo-

          This move is expected to bolster the company’s        rating up to 100% of the recycled plastic in their
          sustainability credentials and provide brands         packaging.
          with a wider range of eco-friendly packaging op-      “By making it available in our B Circular range, we
          tions.                                                are anticipating the forthcoming Packaging and
          CleanStream, Berry’s proprietary technology, re-      Packaging Waste Regulation and offering more
          cycles nearly 40% of polypropylene (PP0 waste         companies the opportunity to demonstrate their
          collected from UK households.                         sustainability commitments with a wide choice
                                                                of aesthetically pleasing and consumer-friendly
          This domestically sourced, mechanically recy-         packs.”
          cled plastic is suitable for contact-sensitive ap-
          plications, making it ideal for the personal care     Beyond the use of recycled plastic, Berry Global
          industry.                                             is pursuing other sustainability initiatives.
          According to a life-cycle analysis (LCA), packag-     These include developing reusable and refillable
          ing  produced  with  CleanStream  emits  approxi-     packaging, optimising pack design for recycla-
          mately 35% less carbon dioxide (CO) than virgin       bility, reducing packaging weight, and utilising
          plastic.                                              renewable resources in the manufacturing pro-
          The recycled plastic can be incorporated into a
          variety of B Circular products, including closures,   The company’s focus on sustainable packaging
          dispensers, jars, and applicators.                    solutions aligns with the growing industry trend
                                                                towards eco-friendly practices and consumer
          Berry Global said it has rigorously tested the ma-    demand for environmentally responsible prod-
          terial to ensure it meets the stringent quality and   ucts.
          performance standards required for personal
                                                                                         Source – Packaging Gateway

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