Page 45 - Plastics News August 2024
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some of the fitness for use aspects of a few including tool supplier Black & Decker.
sources of material.” Addressing those issues in-
volved removing non-plastic contaminants that “In many of those you cannot actually use me-
were coming in from certain feedstock sources, chanical recycling to actually make those prod-
he said. ucts,” he said. “So they’ve got a challenge on
how they’re going to actually get recycled con-
Costa noted the chemically recycled resin is tent into some of those products.”
being purchased by high-profile brand owners SOURCE – PLASTICS RECYCLING UPDATE
such as Procter & Gamble, L’Oreal, Estee Lauder
and others. He added that a handful of new cus-
tomers are experimenting with using the resin,
Sustainable plastic recycling in healthcare with
Our Solution
RecycleLab provides a plastic waste and recy-
cling service tailored for science laboratories
and healthcare settings. The service is designed
to help these institutions divert plastic consuma-
bles from clinical waste streams to recycling pro-
ecycleLab is focussing on improving cesses, reducing their environmental impact.
waste management in the science and
Rhealthcare industries by collecting, recy- RecycleLab works to create a closed-loop sys-
cling, and supplying recycled polymer from sin- tem where materials are continuously reused,
gle-use plastic laboratory waste. minimising waste and reducing the need for new
resources. By reintegrating recycled materials
The company's goal is to address the significant back into the production cycle, the company
environmental impact of millions of tonnes of aims to transform waste into a valuable resource
plastic incinerated annually and promote a sus- rather than a disposable by-product.
tainable, circular economy in these sectors.
Introducing CircuLab
The Challenge
RecycleLab has recently introduced CircuLab,
Plastic is crucial in scientific research, develop- a recycled polymer made solely from medical-
ment, and healthcare due to its versatility and grade virgin plastic consumable waste. The op-
durability. However, its environmental impact is erations ensure traceability from the original
substantial. Incinerating vast amounts of plastic user and manufacturer through to RecycleLab's
waste contributes to pollution and wastes valu- recycling partner, ensuring a consistent supply
able resources, necessitating innovative solu-
August 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 47