Page 46 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 46


          of "high-quality" recycled polymer. This polymer      comprehensive approach fosters a sustainable
          can be reintegrated into scientific and medical       loop, reducing reliance on new materials and
          plastic products, maintaining the high standards      minimising environmental impact.
          required in these fields.
                                                                Reducing Scope 3 emissions
          Manufacturers using CircuLab can offer sustain-
          able products without compromising quality, en-       RecycleLab's commitment to sustainability goes
          hancing their product offerings and promoting         beyond recycling. By addressing Scope 3 emis-
          sustainability within the industry.                   sions, the indirect emissions from the entire sup-
                                                                ply chain, the company is making an environ-
          Committing to a Circular economy                      mental impact. The efforts set new standards in
                                                                the science and healthcare sectors, demonstrat-
          RecycleLab aims to establish a circular economy       ing that operational efficiency and environmen-
          in the science and healthcare sectors. We en-         tal responsibility can go hand in hand.
          able laboratories to track the lifecycle of their
          waste from initial use through collection, recy-                        SOURCE – MEDICAL PLASTICS NEWS
          cling, and repurchasing recycled products. This

          Brands likely to shift focus from PCR to emissions

                                                                bobank, a financial services company based in
                                                                the Netherlands.

                                                                “Many companies are recalibrating their com-
                                                                mitments, now focusing on carbon emissions re-
                                                                duction or extending packaging goals by about
                                                                five years in most cases,” the authors wrote.
                                                                “Progress has been made, but the value, scale,
                                                                purity and consistency of PCR resins have not
                                                                yet reached the levels needed for higher adop-
                                                                tion rates.”

                 rand  owner  targets  for  PCR  content        European Union regulation has pushed recycled
                 have helped drive demand for recycled          content demand in the region, but U.S. regula-
          Bplastics in the U.S. and Europe in recent            tion is almost entirely in the form of state initia-
          years, but PCR production needs to increase as        tives and voluntary company pledges, the re-
          much as fivefold to meet those goals, according       port noted.
          to a recent RaboResearch report.
                                                                “The challenge in the broader space of sustain-
          In addition, end users likely will shift their focus   ability, conversations often shift to the compet-
          more broadly to carbon emissions targets rather       ing ideas of ‘good,'” Jim Owen, senior packag-
          than putting plastic usage under the microscope,      ing and logistics analyst based in the U.S., told
          the report stated. RaboResearch is part of Ra-        Plastics Recycling Update. Owen co-wrote the

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