Page 48 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 48


          And brand owners may be tempted to pick their         there are easy solutions, and some of them
          poison, so to speak, when it comes to striking        don’t make sense,” he said. “But it’s this very
          that balance.                                         nebulous sentiment of ‘be better’ when we don’t
                                                                really know what better is. We don’t have a plas-
          “Will it be death by a thousand cuts, or would it     tics problem, but we have a recycling problem.
          be worth it to pay the money to a state and just      We continue to make things cheap and dispos-
          keep chugging along because the cost of includ-       able, and now we need to find a way to address
          ing PCR is more expensive than the state penal-       them.”
          ties?”  he  noted.  “There’s  a  reasonable  way  to
          approach it at a smaller threshold and not break      He added that recycling is “a hard story to sell: ‘I
          the bank, and still be moving toward their goals      know we’re terrible at this and fixing it is going to
          of PCR inclusion.”                                    cost you more money, and may be thrown away
                                                                in the end anyway.'”
          Even so, Owen acknowledged that brand own-
          ers have multiple headwinds, including consum-        In addition, the definition of sustainability is dif-
          ers demanding change and the threat of voting         ferent from person to person and company to
          with their money.                                     company, he said.

          “Consumers are a real challenge. They think                         SOURCE – PLASTICS RECYCLING UPDATE

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