Page 52 - Plastics News August 2024
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performance plastics are used in aircraft compo- improved performance and safety for athletes.
nents such as fuselage sections, wings, and tail Construction and Infrastructure
fins. These composites offer excellent strength-
to-weight ratios, reducing the overall weight of In the construction industry, advanced compos-
the aircraft without compromising structural in- ites are used to reinforce concrete structures,
tegrity. For instance, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner repair damaged infrastructure, and construct
uses composites for 50% of its primary struc- new buildings. Plastic composites offer advan-
ture, resulting in significant fuel savings. tages such as corrosion resistance, reduced
Automotive Industry maintenance costs, and longer lifespans. They
are also used in the development of sustainable
The automotive sector is increasingly adopting building materials, contributing to greener con-
advanced composites to meet stringent fuel struction practices.
economy and emissions standards. Plastics- Benefits of Advanced Composites Uti-
based composites are used in various automo- lizing Plastics
tive components, including body panels, interior
parts, and structural elements. These materials The integration of plastics into advanced com-
help reduce vehicle weight, improve crashwor- posites offers numerous benefits, making them
thiness, and enhance overall performance. Elec- an attractive choice for various applications:
tric vehicles (EVs) particularly benefit from these
composites, as reduced weight leads to longer 1. Lightweight: Plastic composites are signifi-
driving ranges and better battery efficiency. cantly lighter than traditional materials like
metals and ceramics, leading to weight sav-
Renewable Energy
ings and improved efficiency in applications
In the renewable energy sector, advanced com- such as aerospace and automotive.
posites play a crucial role in the development of 2. High Strength and Durability: Despite their
wind turbine blades. The use of plastic compos- lightweight nature, advanced composites
ites allows for the production of longer, lighter, exhibit exceptional strength and durability.
and more durable blades, which can capture This makes them suitable for demanding ap-
more wind energy and improve the overall ef- plications where high performance is essen-
ficiency of wind turbines. Additionally, the cor- tial.
rosion-resistant properties of these composites
make them ideal for offshore wind farms. 3. Corrosion Resistance: Unlike metals, plastics
Sports and Recreation do not corrode, making composites ideal for
use in harsh environments, such as marine
Sports equipment manufacturers utilize ad- and chemical processing industries.
vanced composites to create lightweight, high-
performance gear. For example, tennis rackets, 4. Design Flexibility: Advanced composites can
golf clubs, bicycles, and helmets made from be easily molded into complex shapes, al-
plastic composites offer enhanced strength, lowing for greater design flexibility and cus-
flexibility, and impact resistance. This results in tomization. This is particularly beneficial in
industries like aerospace and automotive,
54 PLASTICS NEWS August 2024