Page 50 - Plastics News August 2024
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          linear operations to a circular model risk failure    of bioplastic is biodegradable, but accounts for
          due to government-imposed fines and consum-           less than 1% of the global plastic production.
          er boycotts.”
                                                                This could change, however, with oil companies
          Alternatively, shifting to a circular economy         Petronas and PTT investing to develop bioplas-
          ahead of the curve would present opportunities        tic production competencies.
          for oil and gas companies looking to establish
          themselves as ESG leaders, and creating, man-         But, there are of course obstacles to develop-
          aging and reusing circular polymers is proving to     ment.  The  report  states  that  “petrochemical
          be of interest.                                       companies are developing renewable feedstock
                                                                using agricultural and organic waste to produce
          TotalEnergies, for example, has stated that it will   bioplastics … The probable downside of using
          produce one million tons of circular polymers by      this feedstock is the availability of organic waste
          2030. The production will increase their recy-        in sufficient volumes to meet the market de-
          cling options, and enable the company to meet         mand. Shortage of feedstock may lead to un-
          its ESG obligations.                                  favourable practices, such as deforestation, be-
                                                                sides cost escalation in plastic manufacturing.”
          The challenge lies in the nature of plastic. Made
          up of polymer chains, the chain length reduces        The report notes the particular oil and gas lead-
          each time the material is recycled, meaning the       ers in plastic management, identifying BP, Rep-
          quality of the plastic drops. As a result, plastic    sol, Shell, TotalEnergies, OMV AG, and Exxon-
          can usually only be recycled two or three times,      Mobil.
          or new plastic must be added to improve quality.
                                                                However, the report also notes that companies
          However, there has been progress in the area.         “will  need  to  rely  on  financial  incentives  from
          The report notes the example of Saudi Aramco          government establishments to productively pur-
          and its partners, which successfully demonstrat-      sue the circular economy objectives. This is be-
          ed a chemical recycling process in July 2023 at       cause of the high inherent cost involved in incor-
          its SATORP refinery, jointly owned by Aramco          porating a circular economy.
          and TotalEnergies.  The circular polymers de-
          rived from the plastic waste have been given          “Some  companies  have  taken  small steps  to-
          ISCC+ certification.                                  wards this. Industry leaders such as ExxonMo-
                                                                bil, Shell, and TotalEnergies have set themselves
          Bioplastic development is also showing promise,       targets to increase plastic recycling at their fa-
          and attracting interest from oil and gas compa-       cilities.”
          nies. Made from biomass (such as agricultural                                  Source – Packaging Gateway
          waste) rather than oil or gas derivatives, bio-
          plastics are easier to recycle. Currently, over half

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