Page 57 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 57


          “It’s also been shown that particles that are
          smaller can be more toxic,” Brander says, point-
          ing out that while biodegradable plastics may
          become smaller faster, that isn’t necessarily a
          good thing. Nanoplastics are “small enough to
          cross the epithelial lining of the gut. They’re small
          enough to get into the bloodstream if they’re in-
          haled, and get in through [fish] gills, for example,
          or in a terrestrial animal, through the lungs.”

          Not all bioplastics are toxic. However, because
          manufacturers  keep their  formulations  secret,      tions certifying their products through BPI pay
          there’s no way for consumers to distinguish be-       an annual membership fee that gives them a
          tween harmless and harmful bio plastics.
                                                                voice on the organization’s standards and pro-
          An industry sets its own standards                    cedures committee.

                                                                A burden on small businesses
          Some U.S. states, including California, Washing-
          ton and Colorado, require manufacturers to ad-        Beyond Plastics notes that bioplastic foodware
          here to ASTM standards for products marketed          and packaging can cost anywhere from double
          as compostable. In other states, Beyond Plastics      to six times the price of conventional plastics,
          reports  “rampant greenwashing … Manufactur-          putting a financial burden on restaurants try-
          ers are free to label products as biodegradable       ing to be more sustainable. The report, which is
          or compostable without meeting any standards.         aimed at both consumers and small businesses
          Moreover, many develop lookalike products de-         who buy compostable plastic packaging and
          liberately intending to confuse consumers.”           products like straws and takeout containers, in-

                                                                cludes a checklist to help restaurants and bars
          Because the U.S. lacks federal standards, certi-
          fication of compostable plastics is left to trade     choose more environmentally friendly options.
          associations or private organizations that rep-       Recommendations include eliminating single-
          resent bioplastics manufacturers,  according to       use  plastic,  swapping  plastic  for  a  reusable  or
          the report. In Europe, the certification program      refillable system, or replacing plastics with more
          run by TÜV Austria and DIN CERTCO is owned            sustainable paper or cardboard products. Food
          by the European Bioplastics Association, while        businesses that currently use disposable plastic
          the Australasian Bioplastics Association certifies    products can seek out organizations that advise
          products sold in Australia and New Zealand.
                                                                on waste reduction, and on local reuse networks
                                                                that take back reusable foodware, clean it, and
          The Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) is
          the United States’ main certifier of composta-        redistribute it to businesses.
          ble packaging; it has no independent scientists                                      SOURCE - MONGABAY
          or government officials on its board, but does
          include employees of petrochemical companies
          such as BASF and Eastman Chemical. Corpora-

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