Page 42 - Plastics News December 2016
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Company News                                                                    10

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ACS Group opens tech center in Wisconsin

ACS Group has opened a 12,000-square-foot new                           off a lot more equipment. We can show it interacting with
     technology center in New Berlin, about three blocks                the machine.” Most of the machines on the tech center
down the street from its 186,000-square-foot headquarters               floor had “Made in USA” stickers prominently displayed.
and manufacturing plant for plastics auxiliary machinery.               ACS is one of the oldest players in the U.S. auxiliary
The opening was timed to coincide with the company’s                    equipment business — its Sterling unit turned 100 years
annual national sales meeting. “It’s a place where                      old this year
you can bring your customers and feel proud,” said
                                                                         MHI Named to Build Large-
                                                      Paul Grekowicz,    Scale Polyethylene Plant
                                                      vice president     Project for ExxonMobil
                                                      of marketing
                                                      and product       Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has received an
                                                      development.               order for supply of systems to support a large-
                                                      Prior to the new    scale polyethylene production train for ExxonMobil’s
                                                      center, plastics    Beaumont Polyethylene plant. The new production
                                                      processors who      train is slated to be completed in 2019, and will
                                                      wanted to visit     produce 650,000 tons of polyethylene per year. MHI is
                                                      ACS to test
                                                      equipment or                                                      currently building
learn about new products had to visit an area in the                                                                    a Polyethylene
back of the manufacturing plant. Grekowicz said ACS is                                                                  plant comprising
hiring staff to create products, many of them timed for                                                                 of 2 units, each
introduction at NPE 2018. “We’re investing in additional                                                                with the same
resources to accelerate new product development. We’re                                                                  scale of production
hiring,” he said. “We have a lot of good things to show,                                                                c a p a c i t y, a t
and every few months there is going to be something                                                                     ExxonMobil’s Mont
new. That’s the exciting part.” The tech center project                                                                 B e l v i e u , Te x a s
came together quickly. At first, ACS planned to use the                   facility, making this the third order following the
leased space for warehousing. Then, about two months                      completion in 2011 of a polyethylene plant in
ago, officials decided to convert the building into a fancy               Singapore. MHI will supply the reaction, finishing, and
showroom and technical center, with polished floors,                      shipping equipment for the plant, as well as utility
upgraded lighting, and space to show off the company’s                    facilities for water, air and steam. Polyethylene is
complete product line.                                                    a chemical that is used in the production of plastic
                                                                          products such as construction films, grocery bags,
ACS spent more than $150,000 on the renovation. The                       and product packaging.MHI has participated in the
company, which has brand names including AEC, Sterling                    project throughout the various stages of ExxonMobil’s
and Cumberland, also invited a primary equipment                          planning. MHI’s President and CEO, Shunichi Miyanaga,
supplier to the project, so customers can see how ACS                     commented, “I feel very honored to have received
equipment works with an operating injection molding                       consecutive orders from ExxonMobil, the leader in
machine. There’s a 165-ton Venus injection press from                     the petrochemical industry. We will aim to deliver a
Absolute Haitian in the building. At the open house, it was               high quality plant, placing the utmost importance on
pumping out discs for disc golf. Grekowicz said ACS plans                 safety management, just as with our other projects
to add an extrusion line, too. “Now [we’ve] actually got a                in Texas and Singapore.”
separate facility, laid out very nicely where you can show

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