Page 48 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 48

FEATURES                                                                10

                                                                                           INDIA 2017

                                                                                    International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                            Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                    JAN 2017
                                                                19  20  21  22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

Surat's experiment with plastic roads                           granules (produced from plastic waste) along with bitumen
                                                                for laying a road here. This is perhaps the first time that
In a first, Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) has successfully  plastic waste is being used for laying a road here. MCC
devised a unique technique to deal with disposal of plastic     officials claim that use of plastic particles in laying road is
waste. The plastic waste generated in the Diamond City          likely to give 50 per cent additional strength to roadwork
will be used in the construction of asphalt roads. The entire   and such a technology has been used for laying road in
process is very simple. The plastic waste material above 40     Bengaluru.
micron and below 90 micron, including items like plastic
carry-bags, plastic cups, plastic packaging for potato chips,   Well the fact remains that Plastic waste helps increase
biscuits, chocolates, etc. are shredded to a particular size    the strength of the road, reducing road fatigue. These
using a shredding machine. The aggregate mix is heated          roads have better resistance towards rain water and cold
at 150°c and transferred to the mixing chamber, and the         weather. Since a large amount of plastic waste is required
bitumen is heated to 160°c to result in good binding. It is     for a small stretch of road, the amount of waste plastic
important to monitor the temperature during heating. The        strewn around will definitely reduce.
shredded plastic waste is then added to the aggregate.
It gets coated uniformly over the aggregate within 30 to        The entire process is very simple. The plastic waste items
60 seconds, giving an oily look. The plastic waste coated       that can be used for road construction are various items
aggregate is mixed with hot bitumen and the resulting mix       like plastic carrybags, plastic cups, plastic packaging for
is used for road construction. The road laying temperature      potato chips, biscuits, chocolates, etc. The plastic waste
is between 110°c to 120°c. The roller used has a capacity       material is first shredded
of 8 tonnes. "The advantages of using waste plastic for road    to a particular size using
construction are many. The process is easy and does not         a shredding machine. The
need a new machinery. For one metric tonnes of bitumen,         aggregate mix is heated at
around 80 kilogram to 100 kilogram plastic waste is used.       165°c and transferred to
Plastic increases the aggregate impact value and improves       the mixing chamber, and the
the quality of flexible pavements. Wear and tear of the         bitumen is heated to 160°c
roads, rainwater seepage and road durability could be           to result in good binding. It is important to monitor the
increased to a large extent," said municipal commissioner       temperature during heating. The shredded plastic waste
M Thennarasan. Adviser and incharge of road development         is then added to the aggregate. It gets coated uniformly
department Jatin Shah told TOI, "Plastic waste helps            over the aggregate within 30 to 60 seconds, giving an
increase the strength of the road. These roads have better      oily look. The plastic waste coated aggregate is mixed
resistance towards rainwater and cold weather. "                with hot bitumen and the resulting mix is used for road
                                                                construction. The road laying temperature is between
Kashi finds way for plastic waste disposal in road              110°c to 120°c. The roller used has a capacity of 8 tons.
repair work
                                                                Jambulingam Street was one of India’s first plastic
To deal with increasing plastic waste and its disposal          roads . The environmentally conscious approach to road
while reducing its dependency on fossil fuels, the Varanasi     construction was developed in India around 15 years ago in
Municipal Corporation (VMC) is all set to use plastic           response to the growing problem of plastic litter. As time
waste mixed with bitumen to blacktop the city roads.            wore on, polymer roads proved to be surprisingly durable,
The engineering wing of the corporation will start              winning support among scientists and policymakers in
executing road repair work from Bhelupur zone from              India as well as neighboring countries like Bhutan. “The
Wednesday night.                                                plastic tar roads have not developed any potholes, rutting,
                                                                raveling or edge flaw, even though these roads are more
Mysuru to go the plastic route in laying roads                  than four years of age,” observed an early performance
                                                                report by India’s Central Pollution Control Board. Today,
Plastic waste is expected to “strengthen” roads in Mysuru       there are more than 21,000 miles of plastic road in India,
with the Mysore City Corporation (MCC) using plastic

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