Page 50 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 50
INDIA 2017
International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Where the future of plastic is...
JAN 2017
19 20 21 22 23 MUMBAI. INDIA
A tiny town in West Bengal is turning waste into piles of wealth
The initiatives of Uttarpara-Kotrung municipality helped the Kolkata Solid Waste Management
Improvement Project win a global award defeating nearest contenders Auckland and Milan
A163-year-old municipality administering a small town integrate rag pickers and waste dealers in the formal
in West Bengal has shown the world how to manage system.
solid waste in an eco-friendly way, potentially giving urban A close look at the way the Uttarpara-Kotrung project
planners and administrators the key to tackling one of reveals that the minister may well showcase it as a model,
the biggest civic problems. as his grand plan for solid waste management resembles
The initiatives of Uttarpara-Kotrung municipality helped this model closely.
A ride down the streets of Uttarpara – often flanked by
palatial 19th and 20th century houses – reveal roadsides
and market places that are mostly free of garbage, a
common sight in most urban centres. Municipal workers
collect bio-degradable and non-degradable solid waste
stored in designated bins at households, carry them in
vans having separate chambers and dump them separately
at the transfer centre.
the Kolkata Solid Waste Management Improvement Project At this centre, the non-degradable waste is temporarily
win a global award, defeating nearest contenders Auckland stored before being compressed in compactor machines
and Milan in urban solid waste management category in and dumped at the sanitary landfill. Here rag pickers
the C40 Mayors’ Summit held in Mexico City on December who scour vats in the town are seen collecting things
1. Uttarpara, a 10.9 sq km small city with a population of for selling to waste dealers. They are provided masks,
1.9 lakh, is one of India’s 415 cities with a population of gloves, gumboots and uniform by the municipality and are
1 lakh or more. It also boasts of Asia’s oldest free public required to wear them while sifting through the garbage.
library.The recognition should provide the entire country a
reason to rejoice. With rapid urbanisation, the country is As dumping by the roads stopped, civic authorities engaged
faced with a massive waste management challenge. Over more than two dozen rag-pickers at the transfer site.
377 million urban people -- 31% of the population -- live While collecting things, they further segregate whatever
in 7,935 towns and cities and generate 62 million tonnes bio-degradable waste had remained in the non-degradable
of municipal solid waste per annum. Only 43 million tonne lot.“We are really happy with the new system. We live
is collected, 11.9 million is treated and 31 million tonne a cleaner life. Civic authorities are also considering
is dumped in landfill sites. employing us on contractual basis,” said Kapil Bhuniya,
a rag-picker.
“Waste generation is estimated to reach 165 million
tonne per year by 2030,” according to union environment The bio-degradable waste goes to the adjacent compost
minister Prakash Javadekar. In April, Javadekar said the plant. The municipality sells the bio-manure produced
revised solid waste management rules mandate all local at the plant from its counter and through marketing
bodies with a population of one million or more to set up agents. The municipality collects 12-14 tonnes of waste
waste processing facilities within two years. The revised every day and produces 3-4 tonne manure daily. They,
rules also ask municipal authorities to channelise the however, have the capacity of producing up to 10 tonnes
waste to wealth by recovery, reuse and recycle and to of manure per day.
Uttarpara municipality also collects waste from the
sewerage system with suction cum jetting machines. “We
have a plan to cover all drains across the town,” said civic
• December 2016 • Plastics News 50