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                                                                                         INDIA 2017

                                                                                  International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                          Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                  JAN 2017
                                                              19  20  21  22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

      replacement of PVC labels or certain pigments with      compostable, plastics. The Foundation suggests using
      more easily recyclable alternatives, would be one way   compostable plastics for well-defined and targeted
      to integrate the adoption of new best practices in      applications such as coffee pods and fast food packaging.
      plastics collection, sorting and reprocessing systems,  Harmonized labeling would minimize the risk of
      the Foundation says.                                    contamination, the Foundation says, allowing industries
                                                              that are now highly wasteful to become far more efficient.
2. 	 Plastics industry stakeholders must dramatically
      reduce all negative externalities, including the        The role of business
      excessive release of plastics into the natural
      environment. Creating an effective post-use plastics    Business should drive any new transition to the New Plastics
      economy can provide an economic incentive to keep       Economy. After all, many of the world’s largest companies
      plastics in such a system, and in turn would help       benefit from plastic without having to compensate society
      decrease leakage, the Foundation says. The plastic      for the material’s decades-long environmental costs.
      industry also needs to work on improving collection
      infrastructure in emerging markets, researchers         Calls for extended producer liability, which puts the
      insist.                                                 onus for collecting and recycling on businesses instead of
                                                              consumers and municipal governments, would be a start.
3. 	 In a reversal of how the industry grew over the past     So far, however, there has been little movement in that
      several decades,plastics must also be decoupled from    direction. And business often paints such measures as
      fossil fuels by researching and incorporating more      excessive regulation. That being said, governments and
      renewabable sources of feedstocks.                      other stakeholders in the plastics industry have shown they
                                                              can play an important role in the transition. The evidence
The need for next-gen plastics                                indicates a growing recognition from governments around
                                                              the world that they can take the lead on a new plastics
The use of new feedstocks, such as those derived from         economy. The alternative for governments is business as
plant-based sources or waste (ideally recycled plastics       usual: Spend taxpayer funds on collecting and sequestering
or organic refuse). But one hurdle for the industry is the    plastic waste.
confusion between conventional plastics and those made
from renewable sources.                                       Over the past year, we’ve seen a surge of regulatory action
                                                              on plastics circularity. Dozens of landmark regulations
Some plant-based plastics can be composted; others can        were introduced around the world, notably citizens’
be recycled along with conventionally manufactured            approval of restrictions on single-use carrier bags in
materials. The reality, however, is that the various forms    California in this month’s election. Across the pond,
of plastic we see in stores are different formulations of     almost a year ago, the European Commission announced
resin that can’t yet be recycled together. Plastics are       its Circular Economy Action Plan, which aims to stimulate
now designated by seven resin codes, which you’ll notice      the region’s transition to a more closed-loop system.
between the chasing arrows on plastic packaging, including
the “anything goes” plastic No. 7 (a catch-all code for       While many businesses will complain about these new
resins such as nylon and acrylic).                            restrictions, the truth is that they can force companies
                                                              to become more innovative – and perhaps even arrive at
“It is important to distinguish between where a material      new revenue streams as a result of their efforts.
comes from (whether it is either renewably-sourced or
fossil fuel-based) and where it is destined to go to, as in   Hence the Ellen MacArthur Foundation is bullish on the
if it is ultimately recyclable, compostable, or neither,”     prospects for plastic. The business community’s willingness
Opsomer told us.                                              to reevaluate plastics is higher than ever, as more
                                                              companies realize that greater standardization in both
Again, this is a result of a highly fragmented plastics       design and collection systems is overall more efficient in
industry. More standardization would certainly help.          moving society toward a circular system.
Contamination is also a concern with new, and often

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