Page 46 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 46

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                                                                                               INDIA 2017

                                                                                        International Plastics Exhibition & Conference

                                                                                Where the future of plastic is...
                                                                                        JAN 2017
                                                                    19  20  21  22  23  MUMBAI. INDIA

Plastics Road finally kicks off in the country

Most of the states in India following the government order have been using plastics waste in road
construction thus helping to overcome the problem of plastic waste disposal.

AGovernment order in November 2015 made it                          inspiration from Professor Rajagopalan Vasudevan of
    mandatory for all road developers in the country                Madurai based-Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TEC),
to use waste plastic, along with bituminous mixes, for              MBMC’s Public Work Department (PWD) has prepared a
road construction. This is to help overcome the growing             proposal of utilising hazardous plastic refuse for road
problem of plastic waste disposal in India. While many              construction work in the twin-city.
states in the country have already developed and
implemented the orders others are following the suit.               PMC makes the maiden initiatives
Although earlier a handful of corporate did experiment              for Plastics Road
to use plastics in construction of road however this was
restricted only as a part of CSR or on study basis. But             The Pune Municipal Corporation's maiden initiative to
with the government making it an order, things actually                                                 resurface a road using the
began to work for the betterment of plastics waste over                                                 mixture of plastic waste was
the year.                                                                                               completed successfully the
                                                                                                        Navi Peth area. The civic body
                                            Starting with the city                                      had taken up a small stretch
                                            of Mumbai Maharashtra                                       of road for resurfacing — a
                                            government was the                                          baby step towards adopting a
                                            first one to decide
                                            using plastic waste in  tried and tested technology. The mission accomplished,
                                            building roads. It was  it now plans to extend the initiative at 10 more roads in
also decided that in the beginning, municipal corporations          phases. Resurfacing of roads with plastic mix is likely to
with a population of over 5 lakh and municipal councils             be conducted at Rajendranagar, Vimannagar, Magarpatta
that have a population of over 2 lakh will be asked to              City, Koregaon Park, Mithanagar, Balewadi, Model Colony,
include plastic waste for building roads in 50-km radius,           Yerawada and the Baner Road area. Officials stressed they
the official said. For every 100 kg of tar used to build            would be seeking weekly report of every work. The civic
asphalt roads, 3 to 6 kg of plastic will be mixed in it, he         body said it used plastic waste in the bituminous mix for
said, adding materials like plastic carry bags, sacks, milk         resurfacing the road at Navi Peth. The mixing was done
pouches, bin linings, cosmetic and detergent bottles,               according to the prescribed guidelines of the Indian Road
drinking water bottles, bottle caps, household                      Congress (IRC). About 4% of shredded plastic was mixed
                                                                    with every tonne of bituminous mix, which comes to
Plastic waste for sturdy roads by                                   about 50kg. "We have started the use of plastic mix by
Mira-Bhayandar Municipal Corporation                                resurfacing a 150-metre-long road in the Navi Peth area.
                                                                    The first attempt looks perfect. Now, more roads will be
Bumpy rides due to pothole-ridden roads may soon                    resurfaced using the similar plastic mix. The civic body
be a thing of the past,                                             has been working on the project for the past two months.
if the Mira-Bhayandar                                               Various laboratory tests and trials were conducted on the
Municipal Corporation’s                                             mixture. The permission of technical committee was also
(MBMC) new initiative of                                            obtained," said Rajendra Raut, the head of PMC's road
using bitumen technology                                            department. He said shredded plastic of 2.36mm to 600
on waste plastic, ranging                                           microns was used in the mixture. The civic body would
from poly bags to biscuit                                           be able to gauge the mixture's durability, water resistant
packets, for re-laying roads proves successful. Taking              capacity and density in the next few days.

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