Page 66 - Plastics News December 2016
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Germany's plastics industry slams threat to free trade

Germany’s large and export-oriented plastics                would “tell Nafta partners that we intend to immediately
      machinery industry has decried any suggestion of      renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better
protectionism that might result from plans announced by     deal for our workers”.
US President-elect Donald Trump to renegotiate the North
American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).                       A movement opposing the
                                                             new £5 notes in UK

                                                            There’s been a stampede of news coverage lately
                                                                   about the new 5 pound note in the United
                                                              Kingdom. This time it’s not the design on the film-
                                                              based fiver that’s getting attention, but rather the
                                                              materials in it. It seems that some vegetarians, vegans

In a statement issued earlier this week the VDMA trade      and the media has just discovered that beef tallow
body noted that the US was Germany’s largest export         is used in very, very small amounts as an additive in
market in 2015 for plastics and rubber machinery, at        the plastic.Innovia Security opened a film plant in
€719m (£610m), surpassing China, while German plastics      Wigton, England, earlier this year as it ramped up
and rubber machinery exports to Mexico rose 50% last year   production of the polymer substrate for the Bank
to €168m (£142m), making it its fourth-largest market.      of England. The 5 pound note was introduced in
The VDMA said it expected German machinery exports to       September, with collectors vying to nab a bill with
remain strong to those two countries. “Existing free trade  serial numbers denoting it as among the first. The
agreements are of fundamental importance for this,” said    Bank of England, like other banks which have moved
Thorsten Kühmann, the VDMA’s managing director. “Any        to plastic-based notes, has cited increased security
form of protectionism on the other hand will be damaging    and durability with the new money. Then in late
to the business activities of all concerned.” Kühmann       November, someone found out that tallow is used
confirmed that the statement, while it did not mention      as a lubricant additive in some plastics. The bank
Trump directly, was timed around the President-elect’s      admitted that tallow was a product in its notes. A U.K.
comments. The association said that in the case of Mexico,  resident launched a petition on stating:
the “strong rate of growth may also be explained by Nafta   “The new £5 notes contain animal fat in the form of
which has dismantled trade barriers in the region”. None    tallow. This is unacceptable to millions of vegans,
of the statistics in the VDMA’s statement were new: the     vegetarians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and others in the U.K.
association had presented the details of its exports to     We demand that you cease to use animal products in
both the US and Mexico in extensive comments earlier        the production of currency that we have to use.” As
this year. “We are concerned as we believe that global      of November 30, it had 100,000 signatures.
trade needs open markets,” Kühmann said adding “Trade
agreements will have a positive effect on [global] trade!”
In his campaign statements, Trump said his administration

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