Page 68 - Plastics News December 2016
P. 68
INDIA 2017
International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Where the future of plastic is...
JAN 2017
19 20 21 22 23 MUMBAI. INDIA
Sarawak Government, Petronas Gas-based petrochemical (PetChem) industry is being
working on Petrochem Plan pursued by the state.
The Sarawak government and Petronas are currently In view of the gas composition which is high in methane
undertaking the Sarawak Petrochemical Master Plan content, therefore ammonia (and its derivatives) or
study covering the coastal areas of the state. Assistant methanol (and its derivatives) are the most viable options
Minister of Industrial Development (Investment and for the state’s PetChem industry.
Promotion) Datuk Julaihi Narawi said the study will look
into the technical, commercial and economic feasibility Plastic-to-diesel-fuel recycling
plant to be built in Indiana
of the petrochemical development in Sarawak. “Among
others, the study is expected to identify and recommend Amassive plastic recycling-to-diesel fuel operation
the suitable oil and gas downstream industries that costing hundreds of millions of dollars is planned for
the state can explore,” he said. The two sides signed rural Indiana.GEP Fuel & Energy Indiana said its project
an agreement under which the state government and that will begin construction next year will result in as
Petronas will undertake a feasibility study of the project.
Both parties also signed an agreement for Petronas to many as 256 new
supply natural gas to Sarawak Energy Bhd for its power jobs and ultimately
plants. handle 1,500 tons
Petronas will supply 250 million standard cubic feet per of recycled plastics
day to the plant at Tanjung Kidurong and a new 1,200 e v e r y d a y. T h e
megawatt plant in Samalaju, both in Bintulu. A further project is being
200 million standard cubic feet per day will be supplied supported by the
as feedstock for the petrochemical industry, and 100 Indiana Economic
million standard cubic feet per day to the Tanjung Development
Kidurong power plant. Currently 100% of oil resources Corporation, a state
and 93% of gas resources are exported in raw form such agency that’s promised up to $2 million in conditional
as crude oil and liquefied natural gas (LPG). “It is the tax credits that will be based on the number of jobs
intention of the state government to establish a robust created. The project includes a $100 million recycling
downstream industry to increase participation in the center near Camden in Carroll County that will handle
higher value chain and thus creating a more sustainable both “recyclable and non-recyclable waste plastic.”
industry for the state amidst the declining resources. Another $200 million will be spent on a plastics-to-
diesel facility adjacent to the recycling center, the
state said. County officials put the total project value
at $300 million to $410 million.
GEP Fuel & Energy expects to “create up to 256 high-
wage jobs by 2020,” according to IEDC. Those jobs will
have salaries that are 50-percent higher than the local
average wage, the state said.
Average annual salaries will range from $43,680 to
$49,920, the county reported. That includes 91 people
working at the plastics-to-diesel refinery by the end
of 2018 and 155 to 165 at the recycling center, called
Camden Recycling LLC, by 2020, according to the Carroll
County Economic Development Corporation.
• December 2016 • Plastics News 68