Page 69 - Plastics News December 2016
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Environmentalists in Melbourne Incentives offered to prompt
deliver Plastic bag ban petition new PP projects in Canada
Environmentalists have gathered at Parliament House Alberta’s government is offering the incentives to
in Melbourne to deliver a petition calling for a ban prompt new PP projects in Canada. According
on single-use plastic bags last week with the concern for to reports two proposed world-scale polypropylene
reducing the plastic waste. projects in Canada got a bit more momentum from
incentives offered by the provincial government.
Plastic Bag Free Victoria spokesperson Erin Rhoads said Alberta said that it will give up to CAD 500m (£298m)
11,000 people had signed the petition in the past eight in royalty credits to two companies planning to
months. Members of Greenpeace delivered a separate upgrade propane to propylene for subsequent use to
online petition with around 10,000 signatures. make PP resin. The province said in February it wanted
to stimulate new petrochemical investments through
Plastic bags are a significant contributor to landfill royalty credits.Pembina Pipeline Corp. proposes
and pose a danger to marine life and sea birds."We building a propane-to-propylene facility in Redwater,
Alberta, with a polypropylene production plant next
want people to door. The two operations — worth between CAD 3.8bn
invest in proper (£2.3bn) to CAD 4.2bn (£2.5bn) — could be on stream
reusable bags
that they can in 2021, pending approvals and a final board decision.
repair, or at most Pembina is partnering with Kuwait Petroleum in the
when they get to PP resin project. Separately, Inter Pipeline proposes a
the end of their propane-to-propylene operation in Fort Saskatchewan,
life they can be Alberta, which qualifies for up to CAD 200m (£119m)
composted," Ms in royalty credits.
Rhoads told 774 Inter Pipeline is also pondering construction of a
ABC Melbourne's Red Symons. The retail practice of giving PP plant that would come on stream in 2021. Inter
free, single-use plastic bags to customers has already been Pipeline inherited the propylene project in August
banned in Tasmania, South Australia, ACT and the Northern when it bought a natural gas liquids business in the
Territory.Ms Rhoads said a switch to biodegradable plastic province run by Williams Cos. Williams had planned
bags would not address the environmental problems to build a propylene plant and sell the propylene
plastic bags caused. to an affiliate of Goradia Capital to make PP resin
adjacent to the olefin plant. Williams is based in Tulsa,
"Even the biodegradable ones won't really break down, Oklahoma, US, and Goradia is in Houston, US.
because when you put stuff into landfill not enough oxygen
gets in," she said. She said the Victorian Government
could introduce a mandatory charge for plastic bags as
exists in some states. "We're hoping that they will consider
that as an option if they don't want to ban it," she said.
Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio said Victoria had
the lowest rate of littering in the nation
"We will continue to work to ensure we protect our
environment from plastic pollution," Ms D'Ambrosio said.
"The Government is working with other jurisdictions to find
the most effective solution to eliminate plastic bags from
the environment. "These are complex issues which require
strong consultation with the community and industry."
69 • December 2016 • Plastics News