Page 38 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 38
Reducing Carbon footprint of Plastic Bottle
The carbon footprint of plastic bottles can be lowered by recyclable and recycled and have a lower carbon
50% says according to a research by Finland based VTT footprint. Compared to glass, recycled PET is about 85%
technical research center lighter and, therefore, helps cut transmission costs and
lower CO2 emissions
PET is among those plastics which are an important part
of everyday life. PET bottles can be made from But no more for Finland based VTT technical research
completely recycled resin, meeting all food safety center has developed a new technology that claims to
parameters. PET also has a very low environmental lower the carbon footprint of plastic bottles by 50% by
footprint compared to alternative non-plastic materials. replacing their raw PET material with PEF made from
PET, which is not single use, is widely used for packaging citrus peel and sugar beet pulp.
foods and beverages in Bangladesh, especially VTT has developed a Biobased PEF from Pectin-
convenience-sized soft drinks, juices, and water. It is Containing Agricultural Waste. The new technology
also popular for packaging cooking oils, mouthwash, developed by Finland's VTT technical research center
shampoo, liquid hand soap, and even tennis balls.
enables the use of pectin-containing agricultural waste,
For its great recyclable quality, many countries, such as citrus peel and sugar beet pulp, as a raw material
especially the developed countries, have been for biobased PEF (polyethylene furanoate) for replacing
promoting PET for years. As a result, the present rate of fossil-based PET.
PET bottles recycling is about 97% in Norway, 85% in According to VTT, replacing fossil-based PET with plant-
Japan, 84% in Sweden, 60% in the EU countries, 45% in based PEF polymers can lower the carbon footprint of
UK, and 31% in USA.
plastic bottles and food packaging by 50%. “In the near
future, you may buy orange juice in bottles that are
made of orange peel. VTT's novel technology provides a
circular approach to using food waste streams for high-
performance food packaging material, and at the same
time reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” explained VTT
professor of practice Holger Pöhler. Moreover, the
barrier properties of PEF plastic have been shown to
surpass those of PET, translating to a longer shelf life for
food products. The VTT technology boasts significant
advantages for making biobased PEF. It uses a stable
intermediate for the production of FDCA (2, 5-
furandicarboxylic acid), one of the monomers of PEF,
which reportedly enables a highly efficient process. In
addition, utilizing pectin-containing waste streams
opens up new possibilities for the circular economy of
India has set an inspiring example by recycling 90% of its plastics. VTT's unique scale-up infrastructure from
total PET while the neighboring Sri Lanka is also doing laboratory to pilot scale ensures that its newly patented
amazing in PET plastic recycling. Currently, the country technology will be brought to a technology readiness
is estimated to collect and recycle around 30% of PET level that will allow polymer manufacturers' easy
bottles. However of late a lot has been talked about the transition to full scale.
carbon footprint but the fact remains PET bottles are
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DECEMBER 2020 38 Plastics News