Page 34 - Plastics News December 2020
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processed foods from barrier properties, microwave- for convenience food items. For example,
ability, and shelf life to aesthetics manufacturers whose business models have previously
focused on providing packaging for 'food to go' items
bought for workers' lunches, could look to develop
According to quite a few research Covid-19 has helped solutions that maintain the freshness of individual
boost the eCommerce packaging market in general over sandwich or salad portions for a longer period. This
(a minimum of) almost 40% in 2020. "Covid-19 has would allow home workers to buy them in bulk as part of
broadened the consumer base using eCommerce, their weekly shop, to be eaten conveniently throughout
beyond millennials and digital natives to include older the working week. Lockdown restrictions and social-
age groups. Many will continue to use this sales channel distancing measures have disrupted trading for many
even when lockdown orders are withdrawn, hospitality and leisure businesses through the pandemic.
fundamentally reshaping the retail landscape," it With fewer people dining out, high-end restaurants and
identified. According to the report, a major value-adding gastro pubs have sought to diversify by introducing
service for packaging suppliers and converters are delivery or 'click-and-collect' services. Disruptions such
delivery formats that enhance consumer experience. as this provide an opportunity for packaging innovators
This includes brand printed packaging, pre- and post- to offer solutions that optimise takeaway packaging to
ordering customised packs, and innovative designs that be robust and hygienic whilst reflecting premium brand
differentiate a product by giving it a unique unboxing values via superior presentation and a better overall
experience on delivery. customer experience. Heightened concerns about
biosafety during the pandemic have resulted in many
businesses switching back to 'single-use' packaging
solutions for hygiene reasons.
Listed packaging companies have been among the big
gainers over the past six months, rising between 50 per
cent and 100 per cent. The gains came on the back of
increasing demand for packaged food and products, Optimizing performance
especially from fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and Optimizing the physical performance of packaging has
pharmaceutical companies. While EPL, Huhtamaki been identified as a potential area for improvement,
India, and Mold-Tek Packaging have gained 48-76 per
specifically in these three areas.
cent, Uflex has doubled in value over this period. In
addition to higher demand from the consumption Monitoring packaging performance over time:
segments, the organised segment is expected to gain Investments in packaging are compromised over time for
market share. With regards to plastic packaging the sake of cost savings. Packaging systems degrade until
solutions, Amazon is developing a system designed to the packaging is no longer able to provide the
wrap items in customised blister packs on its fulfillment performance required. Monitoring packaging
line. It does this by creating a cavity within performance over time is one immediate remedy that
thermoplastic material, based on the specific helps reveal weak points in the value chain, improve
dimensions of the product. procedures and enable collaboration with other actors
along the value chain.
Another area that could provide commercial
opportunities for packaging innovators during and Selection of product-specific packaging systems: The use
following the pandemic is the food delivery market. We of standard packaging systems that are not designed for
may see companies looking to take advantage of the specific needs is one reason behind poor packaging
recent rise in home working by re-imagining packaging performance. Over time, the use of standard packaging
solutions tends to create thresholds from a logistics and
DECEMBER 2020 34 Plastics News