Page 35 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 35

handling  perspective.  The  use  of  a  virtual  pack-  new  normal.  As  with  many  businesses,  packaging
         selector, which takes into consideration performance,    manufacturers have been focused on weathering the
         logistics  and  handling,  may  improve  packaging       storm,  but  now  is  the  time  to  re-energise  their
         performance.  However,  this  requires  a  holistic      innovation  activity.  If  anything,  the  pandemic  has
         approach  to  packaging  throughout  the  entire  value   opened up many new opportunities. Consumers will still
         chain.                                                   want to see the same progress in packaging as before
                                                                  the pandemic – higher use of recycled materials, less
         When customized solutions are feasible: E-commerce
         companies  tend  to  hesitate  before  investing  in     'unnecessary  packaging',  ,  improvements  in  ease  of
                                                                  recycling – but it is important that these improvements
         customized solutions. A reason for this is uncertainty of
         the actual ROI. Based on learnings from research and     are not made at the expense of reduced hygiene, as
         studies about sustainability a matrix offering tailored   that trend seems to be here to stay, at least for the next
                                                                  few  years.  For  packaging  businesses  that  are
         solutions  as  opposed  to  standardizations  can  be
         developed  for  this  very  reason,  to  help  companies   considering adapting their product offering to address
                                                                  these challenges, it's important to put in place the right
         decide what packaging to use.
                                                                  strategy  to  protect  their  innovations  on  the  way  to
         The New normal                                           market. It's likely that competitors will be undergoing
         As the recovery gets underway, the packaging industry    the  same  thought-process  and  any  novel  ideas  or
         will need to reflect on market changes and adapt to the   improvements could be copied if left unprotected.


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