Page 36 - Plastics News December 2020
P. 36

Packaging and Cosmetics
            Cosmetics companies traditionally have relied on in-
            person  retail  sales  to  attract  new  customers  and
            maintain existing clientele. The pandemic, however,
            has  upended  the  cosmetics  industry,  bringing  new
            challenges  as  well  as  a  host  of  opportunities  for
            companies that are agile and creative enough to take
            advantage. One way that cosmetics companies have
            appealed  to  online  customers  is  by  providing
            increasingly personalized services.
            The cosmetics industry is also being transformed by
            new trends in pricing and packaging. Smart pricing
            strategies,  for  instance,  are  helping  companies  to
            maintain  an  edge  in  a  competitive  e-commerce   exterior becomes just as much a part of the product
            marketplace. Cosmetics companies are part of the     as the internal formula."
            lucky minority in the global e-commerce landscape,   Packman,  the  brainchild  of  Indian  entrepreneur
            in the sense that they have really high margins. This is   Gaurav Jalan, is on a mission to protect against a real-
            actually a great opportunity in a growing market E-  life, everyday threat: plastic packaging.   The Indian
            commerce companies can maintain a competitively-
                                                                 company supplies Amazon India, Flipkart, Samsung,
            priced yet profitable position in their market to grow
                                                                 Bosch,  and  other  clients  with  eco-friendly  and
            their  top-line  and  bottom-line  at  the  same  time.   biodegradable packaging products.  In its factory in
            Similarly,  as  consumers  are  becoming  more  eco-  Greater  Noida,  Packman  Packaging  manufactures
            conscious,  cosmetics  companies  are  changing  how
                                                                 paper-based corrugated boxes (paperboards with air
                                                                 columns) in various shapes and sizes. These are the
                                                                 familiar,  brown  cardboard  boxes  used  to  package
                                                                 electronics,  shoes,  food  items,  and  clothes,  etc.
                                                                 Packman also makes corrugated rolls, bubble rolls,
                                                                 bubble  pouches,  courier  bags,  POD  jackets,  duct
                                                                 tapes, ecommerce shipping bags, and more. Besides
                                                                 selling  these  directly  to  customers,  it  has  an
                                                                 ecommerce  store  where  these  products  can  be
                                                                 bought.  “The material used to make the packaging
                                                                 comes from recycled paper, food quality paper, and
                                                                 biodegradable  paper.  Today,  Packman  can
                                                                 manufacture  upto  one  lakh  corrugated  boxes  and
                                                                 rolls each day and ship to over 300 Indian cities,”
            their products are packaged and sold.
                                                                 Gaurav claims.  Packman, registered in Delhi, makes
            The  use  of  recycled  plastics  is  a  first  step  for   Rs  20  crore  turnover  annually,  and  has  105
            environmentally-friendly  cosmetics  packaging.      employees.
            Alongside this, recyclable packaging is also needed,
                                                                 A New Complexion
            as well as efforts to educate customers how items
                                                                 The new world of cosmetics e-commerce is just that -
            should be disposed of sustainably -- for instance, with
                                                                 - a global endeavor, no longer limited to customers
            clear  labelling  on  bottles  and  tubes.  Reusable
            packaging has become another way that cosmetics      within a specific country. COVID-19 has accelerated
                                                                 the  need  for  retailers  to  strengthen  their  online
            companies  can  appeal  to  environmentally-minded
                                                                 presence and accessibility to global shoppers. The
            consumers.  Companies  can  promote  a  circular
                                                                 changes the pandemic has brought to the cosmetics
            economy by creating packaging that can be reused
                                                                 industry  will  likely  remain  even  after  COVID-19  is
            For example, perfume bottles or makeup tubes can
            be cleaned and displayed as decorative ornaments.    over, and those companies that can adapt to the new
            However, this requires investment into high-quality   realities of online cosmetics sales will be those that
                                                                 can survive and thrive in the future.
            and  visually-appealing  packaging,  whereby  the
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