Page 15 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 15
the advancement of the industry and environ- of Plastivision India 2027, and concluded with
mental sustainability. The event was skillfully a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Bipin Desai,
moderated by Mr. Jayesh Rambhia, Chairman Vice President - West Zone, AIPMA.
Invitee AIPMA GC Chairman Mr. Arvind Mehta accompanied by AIPMA President
Mr. Manoj R. Shah and Plastivision Chairman Mr. Jayesh Rambhia visited CIPAD
Assambly, Palermo, 18-19TH NOV 2024 Italy, Below are the key Insights
At session in Palermo, Italy, several key updates • While EPR frameworks are under nego-
regarding the plastics industry and its environ- tiation, no mandatory regulations have
mental alignment were discussed: been finalized to date.
1. Plastics Europe's Role in Advocacy 3. Progress Towards Circular Economy Goals
• Plastics Europe, analogous to CPMA, is • Plastics Europe is spearheading initia-
actively engaging with the EU Commis- tives toward a circular economy, aligning
sion on legislative matters, advocating with EU sustainability targets.
for environmentally aligned policies that
balance industry needs with sustainabil- • By 2050, the organization aims to
ity goals. achieve net-zero carbon emissions for
plastics through innovative strategies
• Legislative processes involve all 27 EU and partnerships.
member countries and culminate with
the EU Parliament, where overarching From an implementation standpoint, we appear
policies are established to safeguard to be ahead in certain areas of sustainability and
collective interests. regulatory frameworks. However, Plastics Eu-
rope is making significant strides to align with
2. Packaging Industry and EPR Negotiations circular economy principles, reflecting strong
• The European Organisation for Packag- commitment and action plans.
ing and the Environment (EUROPEN) is AIPMA has signed multiple MOUs with countries
working closely with the EU on the Ex-
tended Producer Responsibility (EPR) This information emerged from a one-to-one in-
framework for the packaging industry. teraction during the event.
December 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 15