Page 14 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 14


          Second Session was on EPR implementation in           session chairman answered with great aplomb.
          the Indian Plastics Industry where all the indus-
          try experts and aspiring individuals got the best     The National Convention 2024 was concluded
          of insights from the well established players.        with  the  3rd session  making  the  event  an  in-
          Briefly, in this session the established industry     formative one.  Third Session on Innovations
          players and dynamic Entrepreneurs shared their        in Recycling & Circular Economy started with
          experiences  along  with  what  are  some  of  the    topic like Segregation and Sorting mechanisms
          interesting existing/ emerging business models        using automation presented by Mr. Sandip Sin-
          and possibilities that exist that can benefit the     gh, CEO at Ishitva Robotic Systems. Next up was
          industry. Additionally, the panellists  in this ses-  Mr. Jignesh Prajapati, Country Head - Sales and
          sion delivered presentations on their respective      Marketing who shared light on Advance Extru-
          products and services which can add to the ben-       sion Blow-moulding Machine (EBM) Technology
          efits of the plastic industry and in turn to the en-
          vironment. Mr. Hanumant Saraf, Co- Chairman           in the use of recyclates in rigid packaging. Mr.
          of Global Conclave on Plastic Recycling and Sus-      Vinay Bansod, ED & CEO at Windsor Machines
          tainability (GCPRS) chaired the session and also      who presented on the topic Plastic Processing
          gave insights on the upcoming edition of AIPMA        Machine Technologies for Recycled Plastics.
          & CPMA’s exhibition Global Conclave on Plastic
          Recycling and Sustainability (GCPRS) urging the
          industrialists to participate and make the show a
          grand success. Our first speaker of the session
          was Mr. Pavee Raheja who is a Senior Business
          Development Expert  in Waste  NL, he gave in-
          sights on the practical challenges faced by in-
          dustries in EPR compliance to PIBO obligation.
          Next up was  Ms. Ipsita Roy, Senior Manager
          at AA Garg & Co. who delived into the topic of
          MSME Compliance requirements: Key obligations
          for MSMEs under EPR regulations.  Mr. Rakesh
                                                                Following was the presentation on Technologi-
                                                                cal Advancements in Chemical Recycling by Mr.
                                                                Suhas Dixit, CEO at APChemi Circular B. V. The
                                                                session’s last speaker was Mr. Khilan Patel, Di-
                                                                rector & Co- Founder from Endlos Innovations
                                                                who gave his insights presenting Deposit Return
                                                                Systems. Followed by and Q & A session.

                                                                The National Convention 2024 featured a lucky
                                                                draw with two winners: Mr. Dilip Patel, Director
                                                                of Yash Rotoprint Pvt. Ltd., who won an Apple
          Thakur, Director of Rappr Innovations presented       iPhone, and Mr. Dhruvil Patel, Director at Uma
          and gave his insights on the Challenges to setup      Plastic, who received a Samsung Tab. Held on
          recycling units and getting Consent To Operate        28th November 2024 at Taj Skyline, Ahmedabad,
          (CTO). Following the presentation the floor was       the convention made significant contributions to
          left open for Q&A which the speakers and the

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