Page 13 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 13
the industry during recent times. Also, the Con-
ference provided a platform for entrepreneurs,
experts, businessmen, and other stakeholders
to create new livelihood and business opportuni-
ties in the plastics sector, at the same time help-
ing India tackle the issue of plastic pollution and
meet environmental goals.
Additionally, Mr. Hussain Parpia, Head of In-
novation – Sustainability, AA Garg & Co. pro-
vided an overview of EPR in India. Followed up
was Mr. Vikash Garg, EPR expert from Dalmia
Polypro Industries Pvt. Ltd. presented and ex-
plained EPR Compliances, a step by step guide
on implementing EPR successfully. Mr. Kau-
shik Langhodia, DEE, Gujarat Pollution Control
The event witnessed the presence of 200 del- Board (GPCB), gave his insights on challenges
egates from various segments of plastic indus- and lessons learned so far from the EPR com-
try. Exhibition was set up at the event for the pliance journey. The session’s last speaker Mr.
industry to showcase the latest innovations, Chintan Mehta, Business Head at Prasad Group
drives and developments. In the view of provid- of Companies presented on the Role of Auto-
ing the best of knowledge and information to mation Technology in recycling – roadmap to a
the delegates present at the conference there sustainable waste management, he emphasised
were three power packed sessions followed by the company’s role and perspective on waste to
a panel Q&A which included industry leading re- wealth can be achieved using their equipments.
nowned panellists. The session was then left open for Q&A, there
was an overwhelming response by the del-
The First Session was on Introduction to EPR egates as they were provided opportunities to
and Plastic Waste Management in India - De- ask questions and get clarity. The speakers and
mystifying Rules which threw light on EPR reg- panellist answered the questions of the industry
istration process on the Centralized Portal as in delegates with a great aplomb.
the view of helping the industry to understand
the process and the benefits due to Updation in Shri Binay Kumar Jha, Director, Ministry of
EPR registration as the industry has been facing Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Govt. of India
difficulties to understand the process. Amongst also addressed the audience as a guest of honor
the Speakers were Mr. Amit Patel, Head Busi- virtually.
ness Development & Partnership, Nepra Re-
source Management who was the session chair-
person also provided his expertise and detailed
guidance to the audience to help them comply
under PWM Rule, and summarised the current
industry scenario gracefully.
December 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 13