Page 12 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 12


          National Convention 2024  on EPR, Plastic Waste Management Rules  &

                                   28th Nov, 2024 | Taj Skyline | Ahmedabad

          The All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Associa-        Shri P. N. Solanki, Deputy Director, MSME DFO,
          tion (AIPMA) along with the support from Min-         Ahmedabad, Dr. Tallikaben Patel, Regional Of-
          istry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Department          ficer, Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB), Mr.
          of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Govt. of India         S. B. Dangayach - Founder Trustee, Innovative
          organized National Convention 2024 on EPR,            Thought Forum, Mr. Raju Desai, Vice President,
          Plastic Waste Management Rules & Recycling            Plastindia  Foundation  (PIF),  Mr. Bharat Patel,
          at Taj Skyline, Ahmedabad.                            President,  Gujarat State  Plastic Manufactur-
                                                                ers’ Association, Mr. Manoj R. Shah, President,
                he key objectives of National Conven-           AIPMA  in  the  presence  and  Mr. Bipin Desai,
                tion  2024  were  to  bring  together  Lead-    Vice President West-Zone, AIPMA & Mr. Prab-
          Ters,  CEOs,  government  authorities,  key           hjot Sodhi, Senior Program Director, Centre for
          industry players and subject matter experts           Environment Education (CEE). Followed by the
          from around the Plastic Sector in an open dia-        Lamp  Lighting  which  set  up  the  positive  spirit,
          logue, under one roof to discuss the key devel-       AIPMA delegation led by President Mr. Manoj R.
          opments, To sensitize entire value chain such         Shah Felicitated the honourable dignitaries on
          as material providers, converters, brand owners       the dais. Hon’bl Chief Guest Ms. Vandana, Direc-
          and others, Learn and share best practices, un-       tor, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Depart-
          derstanding the new EPR framework, To learn           ment of Chemicals & Petro-chemicals, Govt. Of
          and understand the importance of new tech-            India  addressed  the  audience  and  participants
          nology and value of waste creation, addressing        virtually. The inaugural session concluded with a
          key challenges of converters, brand owners and        vote of thanks by Mr. Siddharth Shah, Manag-
          end-users, To network and tap business oppor-         ing Committee Member, AIPMA.
          tunities, bringing together the decision-makers
          on single platform, share ideas and exchange          AIPMA wholeheartedly  thanked all the guests
          thoughts, identifying the technological gap and       and dignitaries on the dais for sparing their valu-
          other relevant opportunities in Plastics Waste        able time and attending the conference to con-
          Management and Recycling.                             tribute their expertise for the benefits of the
                                                                plastic industry. The National Convention 2024
                                                                brought together distinguished Speakers from
                                                                the industry to deliberate upon challenges and
                                                                opportunities in the Plastics recycling sector
                                                                & there were rich discussions on how we can
                                                                achieve Circularity & Sustainability for plastics in
                                                                India, whilst adding to the GDP of the country
                                                                and creating new jobs as well as upgrading re-
                                                                cycling technologies, equipment and creative fi-
                                                                nancing for this emerging segment. This Confer-
                                                                ence majorly served as a platform to understand
                                                                the latest updates in the EPR registration pro-
          During Inaugural, Lamp lighting was done by,          cess  as  there  were  many  challenges  faced  by

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